Chapter Five

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It's been two hours since doctor inject her. She is sleeping. Xavier is sitting beside her bed not leaving even for a second. Sebastian and Angelo are in waiting room. Xavier is sleeping while his head on bed.

Riley stir her sleep and slowly open her eyes. She slowly look at the bed and saw Xavier is sleeping. She slowly pick her hand and trace his face making him stir in his sleep. He woke up and look. He saw Riley is looking at him.

"Riley baby, how are you feeling?" He asked softly trying not to show much of his happiness and joy.

"Good da-xavier" She said softly looking down.

"Okay" He frown because she call him Xavier not daddy but he shrugged it off.

"I will call doctor so he can check you okay baby" He said softly looking at her.

She just nodded her head not in a mood to talk much. He went out kissing her forehead. She keep looking at the door.

"I will go away daddy. I don't want daddy to hate Riley. I will go away" She murmured while tears flow from her eyes.

After few minutes, doctor came and check her. He said she is fine and she can go home but they need to take care of her.


It's been three days since she came back home. They're taking good care of her. She didn't talk rather than it's important. She just sat in the guest room only come out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They're worried about her. Sebastian went to call her for lunch. She came and sat on her chair. Sebastian give her food. She slowly start eating.

She said softly looking down: "I wanna go to Mrs. Carter"

Everyone look at her in shock. Angelo said softly: "you don't need to Riley. We're so sorry for our behavior but we're not going to be like that again"

Xavier said simply: "you're not going anywhere"

She said softly while tears flow from her eyes: "you don't want Riley here. I don't want you to hate Riley. I wanna go away"

Xavier get up from his chair and said angrily throwing his plate on the floor making her flinch: "fucking go wherever the fuck you want to go"

Sebastian look at him shock while Riley just get up from her chair and went to her room. After a minute, she came back with her little bag.

She said softly: "I'm sorry"

Sebastian going to say no but Xavier glare at him making him shut instantly. Xavier grab her hand and drag her outside. He sat her in his car then leave her at Mr. Carter house. Mr and Mrs. Carter looking so happy to see her. Xavier went back to his while tears flow from his eyes. She hate him. The only thought running in his mind.


It's been a week since Riley came to leave with them. They're not as good as they look. Mrs. Carter always make her do work while Mr Carter want her to call him daddy. He is sick man. He is lusting over that little girl. Mrs. Carter went out to a party. Riley is sleeping on couch while shivering when she felt a hand touching her shoulder making her eyes jerk open.

Mr. Carter said softly smirking: "shh relax baby, it's just me your daddy"

She quickly shake her head in no receiving a slap on her left cheek making her whimper. He said angrily glaring at her: "who I'm?"

She keep on crying but didn't said anything. He growled and put a hand inside her dress. She don't like the way he is touching her.

She whimpered: "what is you doing?"

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