Chapter Fourteen

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Riley is sitting outside her class waiting for her daddy to pick her. Her friend Jonas came and sat next to her.  He gives her a lollipop and she happily starts sucking it while rocking her legs back and forth. Jonas is Ms rose son and he is waiting for her mother to complete her work so they can go home.

Xavier reaches there and stops in front of her school. He said angrily on the call: "pick them at 1 pm and get them home"

He hangs up the call and went inside. He saw her talking to her friend. He groan in jealousy when he saw how she is smiling at him and giggling with him. What will he do when she becomes a big girl and have a boyfriend? He wouldn't let her date anyone. All the boys are the same and he wouldn't let anyone break his little angel heart.

He walks towards her. She smiles making him smile instantly. He said smiling: "hi baby sorry for being late"

She said giggling: "Riley no angry Daddy"

He pecks her forehead and she said smiling: "Daddy, Jonas Riley friend"

He smiles at the little boy but inside he is jealous. Jonas said looking up at Xavier extending his hand: "Hello Mr knight, nice to meet you"

Xavier is shocked for a second to hear him talk like big guys then shake hands with him. Riley giggle and said smacking Jonas hand: "don't behave like daddies Jonas"

Jonas said simply: "I'm a big man"

Xavier starts thinking weird thoughts about Riley saying daddy to that Jonas guy. He cusses himself and pushes those stupid thoughts in the back of his head. He groaned and said blankly: "come on baby, we need to leave"

Riley hugs him and waves him bye. They went to Xavier car and sped off to the road. Xavier said simply: "you remember my mom, dad and sister coming today"

She nodded her head pouting. She said pouting while with her shorts: "Daddy if they no like Riley"

He said stopping in front of the house: "well your Daddy always love you"

She smiles at him and she pushed open the door. She is trying to unbuckle herself. Xavier shook his head and unbuckle her. She jumped off the car and rush inside. Xavier said from behind picking her bag: "baby, don't jump like that. You will get hurt"

Riley yelled rushing inside: "sorry daddy"

He chuckle and shook his head. He said smiling walking inside: "come on Angel, you need to take your bath"

She rushes into the kitchen and hugs Sebastian and Angelo. She said giggling: "uncle gelo cookie"

Angelo chuckles and picks the cookie jar up from the refrigerator. Xavier said simply coming inside: "not now Angel, you already had three cookies in the morning then I give you chocolate with your lunch and you also had a lollipop at school with your friend. It's enough sugar for one day"

Riley said pouting: "Daddy please"

Xavier shook his head. Riley said pouting while giving him puppy dog eyes. He said blankly: "no Riley"

She said storming her foot on the floor: "mean daddy"

Xavier said blankly to her in a stern voice when she is going to walk out: "you're coming upstairs with me right now little girl"

Riley flinches a little bit from his deep and stern voice and stops right there. He knows she gets scared but he needs to make her realise that she can't get everything when something isn't good for her. He loves her but he needs to be stern with her.

He sighed and walk towards her. He holds her hand and gets her upstairs. He said blankly: "go to the washroom"

Riley looks up at Xavier blank look and understands that she did a bad thing and her Daddy is angry with her. She said pouting with teary eyes: "Riley sorry Daddy, no angry please"

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