Chapter Seven

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Xavier is driving to adoption agency to file adoption of Riley. He is nervous, worried and also a little happy. He like Riley but he is worried if he love her the way she deserve. What if he fail as a father? He didn't ask for her last name.

He asked softly glancing at her: "what's your last name Angel?"

She mumble softly: "knight"

He slam the brakes but quickly hold Riley so she didn't get hit. He asked softly: "your last name is knight"

She nodded softly then he said softly: "Angel stay here, I need to call someone"

She just nodded and he went out of the car. He call Doctor Allen who check Riley when she had fever. He pick up the call.

Xavier said blankly: "I want to run a DNA test. I'm coming over there and I also want to done my daughter full body checkup"

Doctor Allen said simply: "okay sir, I will prepare everything"

He nodded and hang up the call. He call one of his worker. He picked up the call. He said blankly: "I want every single information about Riley Knight till evening"

He said simply: "okay boss"

He sighed then went back in car. He drove towards hospital. She didn't talk or say anything. He went out and pick her in his arms. He went inside towards Doctor Allen cabin. Doctor Allen greet him and Riley.

He said softly: "you need to sat her on the bed"

Xavier walk with her towards the little bed. He is going to sat her but she wince and hold his suit tightly into her tiny fists while looking at him with teary eyes.

He said softly looking at her: "I'm not leaving you Angel. That doctor is going to do your checkup. He wouldn't hurt you"

He slowly sat her on the little bed and holding her hand. Doctor do her check up then take samples for DNA test. Xavier is sitting on chair while Riley is sitting in his lap while snuggling into his chest.

Doctor Allen said softly smiling at Riley: "you're such a brave girl, here"

Riley look back at him with her big doe eyes. She saw a lollipop in his hand. She look up at Xavier. He nodded softly so she quickly get lollipop from him and again snuggle into Xavier.

Doctor Allen said simply looking at Xavier: "she is fine but she is under weight. She need to eat more and healthy food. She is physically fine after whatever happened to her but not mentally. It will took her some time to properly heal with her mental trauma. She needs love and good care"

Xavier nodded then asked simply: "what about DNA test report?"

Doctor Allen said simply: "it will came till evening. I will send you reports and call you about the results"

He nodded than look at Riley. She is sounding asleep while lollipop in her mouth. He pull out the lollipop from her mouth and get her to his car. He is going to lay her on back seat but she wince didn't leaving him. He sighed than sat inside with her in his lap. He drove to mall to buy things for her.

Xavier stop in front of mall. She is sleeping so peacefully so he let her sleep a little. He put seat comfortable position than lean against the seat. She squirm than snuggle into neck. He smile looking at her while doing his work on phone.

After some time, he felt Riley is sucking on his neck. He is going pull away making her wince. He sighed and let her sleep. She fall asleep again. After half an hour, his work got done. He slowly woke her up.

She stir in her sleep than mumble softly: "Mummy"

He said softly making her sit straight: "woke up Angel"

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