Chapter Nine

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Xavier is driving towards the restaurant where he have meeting with some business people. He really don't like them but it's good for his business so he will do that. He look at the little Angel in his lap sleeping peacefully snuggling into his chest.

He reach there. He park the car and hopped off the car with Riley in his arms. She snuggle into him because of the cold. He pick his leather jacket and wrap it around her tiny body. He pick up the revolver and put it in his waistband.

He walk inside and said blankly at reception: "Xavier knight"

She nodded and said softly winking at him making him roll his eyes: "let me show you your table sir"

He walk towards the table and sat down with Riley still in his lap. After few minutes, two mens came towards them. They look at Xavier then the little girl in his lap.

Xavier cleared his throat then said blankly: "you're ten minutes late"

They said sorry to him and sat down on their chair. They start talking about the deal. It's been a hour since their meeting start. Riley stir in her sleep and slowly open her eyes. She rub her eyes then pull out her head from the jacket to look around. Two mens look at her in awe. Xavier also look down when he saw they're not listening to him.

She mumble softly peeking her head from his jacket making him cooed at her cuteness: "daddy"

He asked simply trying not to smile here: "do you want something Angel?"

She look around her with big eyes than said softly clapping her hands: "choco ice cream daddy"

He nodded then call a waiter. He said blankly: "get a chocolate ice cream"

Riley noticed how his tone suddenly changed so much. But she ignore it. Xavier sat her on chair next to him and pull her chair closer to his. Xavier said simply: "if you done staring at my daughter than we can continue this meeting right"

Two mens startled and quickly look at Xavier. Riley giggle at them getting scold by her father. Two mens cooed at her cuteness then they continue their meeting. Waiter came with ice cream and give it to her. She quickly pick up the spoon and trying to eat but the table is high for her. She get ice cream bucket and put it in her lap and start eating her ice cream.

After 20-30 minutes, their meeting ended. Xavier look at her eating the last spoon of ice cream while her whole clothes and face covered in ice cream. He shake his head at her then pick up a tissue paper and clean her mouth and hands. He get up and shake hand with the two mens.

One of them said blankly: "deal final"

Xavier nodded at him. They both sign some papers and give to Xavier. Xavier sign papers and give one copy to them. Another men said softly looking at Riley: "your daughter is really cute"

Xavier nodded blankly but his blood is boiling inside because Riley giggle and smile at them. They both walk out. Xavier turn to Riley and said softly pointing towards her clothes: "you little Missy, what that's?"

She giggle and said softly: "sorry daddy"

He sighed than pick up the papers. He paid and pick Riley. They walk out. Xavier sat her inside and buckle her up. He jogged to other side and sat on driving seat. He sighed than look at Riley who wear his jacket.

He said softly: "you like to wear my clothes"

She said softly: "yes daddy"

He smile at her than drove back to home. He get her to room and change her clothes. He change clothes and lay next to her. She snuggle into him and fall asleep. He smile at her ended up falling asleep.

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