Chaptee Three

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It's been a week since Riley cane here. She is not much of a happy child now. Xavier always shout at her for every little thing. Sebastian always take care of her but he most of the time outside. Lyla is always rude to her while Scarlett is nice. Riley feels good with her presence. Angelo doesn't care about her much. Yeah he sometimes talk to her and ask her about her day but nothing much. Riley feels safe and good with Xavier even though he shout at her. Riley also want her mother to come back fast.

One day, Xavier is doing some paper work when he can't found some papers. He groan in annoyance because someone touched his things.

"Lyla, who the fuck touched my papers?" He growled angrily.

"I don't know sir. No one went to your room. Oh yeah Riley is playing with some papers maybe" She  siad smirking.

She know he don't like when someone touch his things and maybe he throw her out of the house. She didn't even complete his sentence.

"Riley" He called angrily.

Riley is playing with some papers that Sebastian give her. She is drawing on them. When she hear Xavier voice making her whimper. She quickly get up with her papers in her hand and went towards the living room couch.

"Yes daddy" She said softly looking at him.

"Who fucking give you permission to touch my papers?" He growled making her flinch.

"I not daddy" She said softly looking at him with her big doe eyes.

"You fucking shit lying on my face. You have my papers in your hands" He said holding her forearm making her whimper because of his tight grip.

"Daddy, I not touch your papers. I promise daddy" She said sobbing softly.

"Fucking liar" He said angrily getting papers from her hand.

He leave her hand and look at the papers. It's not his work papers.  He sighed quietly and groan internally for shouting at her like this. When Sebastian came back with his file. He throw the file on table.

"Your assistant get this file. Stop fucking blaming her for the things that she didn't done and I give her those papers to play with" He said angrily picking Riley in his arm's.

"Shh it's fine. Calm down dove" He said softly rubbing her back.

"I not touch daddy papers sebi" She said softly looking at him while tears flow from her eyes.

Xavier get jealous when he saw her how she calm down in his brother arms. She snuggle her face in the crook of his neck. He groan internally for feeling like this. She is not his daughter. He hate kids.

"Don't fucking call me your father because I'm not. Go ask your fucking mother who fuck a coward who leave your mother" He said blankly picking up his papers.

"I told you, It's not good place for her to stay. He is always rude and angry. She is not going to have a best life here. Why don't you send her to some orphanage or somewhere?" Angelo asked looking at the little girl with hurt and pain eyes.

"I'm thinking about the same. My friend's uncle wants to adopt a baby. I'm gonna ask him if they want to adopt her" Sebastian said softly looking at the crying little girl.

"That's good if she can have a happy life" Angelo said patting her head while walking upstairs.


The next few days passes like this. Sebastian talked to his friend's uncle and they want to adopt Riley. Today, Sebastian went out with Riley. He went to his friends place. He just wish if he can keep her but he know Xavier is hurting her and he don't want her to break down. They reach there. They went towards the door and knock. A man in his late thirties open door.

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