Bonus Chapter

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Xavier and Riley are on flight while Riley is busy admiring the outside clouds and everything and Xavier is reading a magazine. Riley is suddenly yelled making Xavier flinch and look at her quickly: "Daddy"

He asked panicking: "what happened Angel? Is anything paining"

She said giggling: "so many clouds"

Xavier rolled his eyes then said simply: "bay you shouldn't yell like this. You scare Daddy"

Riley said pouting: "Riley sorry daddy"

He pecked her forehead and she said pouting: "no besito"

He chuckled at her cuteness then pecked her lips while saying: "daddy live you so much"

She giggles happily then turn towards the window and Xavier smiled at her. Even though it's been a year still he can't enough of her cuteness. She always does something new and makes him amazed. She learns karate in school and tries it on, Sebastian and Angelo.

Xavier is now going to spend time on holiday with his daughter, away from all the work and stress. The flight landed and they hopped off the flight. Riley gets her little bag and swings it on her shoulder. Xavier put their bag in a trolley and walk out of the airport with his daughter.

Riley said pouting: "daddy, Riley tired"

Xavier said gently: "just a few minutes baby, you can sleep in the car"

Xavier know it was past her nap time and she was too busy admiring the outside from the plane window to sleep. His driver came and get the bags. Xavier picked Riley in his arms and get her to the car. Riley falls asleep in a few minutes.


Riley is running around in the park towards different animals in the cases and waving at them. She said giggling: "hello new friend"

Xavier us walking behind her so she wouldn't get lost. After looking at all the animals, she came back to Xavier said pouting: "daddy, no one wanna be my friend"

Xavier said gently: "they don't talk like us but they wanna be your friend"

She rushed towards a snake glass box then said looking at Xavier: "can we get big snake home daddy?"

Xavier said gently: "baby, he can't stay with us"

She said pouting: "why daddy?"

Xavier said simply: "because he needs food that we can't give him"

Riley frowned then said shrugging: "okay Xavier"

Xavier said simply: "baby you can't call me by my name"

Riley said pouting: "but everyone calls you Xavier"

Xavier rolled his eyes then said simply: "because they're not my baby, do you want daddy to find another baby?"

Riley's eyes widened and she said hugging him: "no daddy, Riley is daddy baby"

Xavier picked her in his arms then said checking her cheeks: "daddy loves his baby so much"

Riley said smiling: "daddy hungry"

He said smiling: "let's go and have something"

They went to a restaurant and ordered food. Riley is happily eating her food when a lady came towards them and said looking at Xavier: "Xavier Knight"

Xavier looked at her confused when   she said smiling: "Stefanie"

Xavier said simply: "Stefanie Miller"

Stefanie hugged him and he groaned then said down next to him. She starts talking to him about college days while Riley is getting annoyed by her presence. She is here to spend time with her father but she is ruining their time. Riley said pouting: "daddy"

Xavier turn towards her and Stefanie start talking to him again. Riley get up and said angrily: "he is my Daddy, we're here to spend alone time but you're ruining our time"

Stefanie look at her and said glaring at her: "that's not the way to talk to your elders"

Riley frowned and Xavier said blankly to Stefanie: "don't you care to tell at my daughter. I wouldn't appreciate that"

Stefanie is starting at him and Xavier said blankly to the waiter: "bill"

He pays the bill and went away with his daughter. Riley said pouting: "Riley no mean daddy"

He said gently: "I know princess, my Angle can't be mean"

Riley snuggled into him and they went back to the hotel. Riley falls asleep on the way back to the hotel. He changed railway clothes and lay her in the bed. He changed clothes and lay next to her. He remembers the time when she came to live with them and all the memories and smile at her.

Xavier is happy to have a reason to be alive, his daughter, His Little Angel. He never thought someone can make him go this soft and lovable person. If he was old Xavier he yells at her for cuddling him or calling him daddy or anything but now he lives all the things he does, everything about her make him smile and laugh. She is his daughter, His Little Angel.

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. I have nothing much to say. My stories got deleted and I don'want this one to get deleted so I complete this. I know it's not good but I will edit it later. Leave your comments and votes.........

What do you think about the end of the story?

What do you think about the Xavier and Riley relationship?

Who is your favourite character?

What is going to happen next?

Which is your favourite part?

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Thank you

Love you so much ❤

Stay safe and healthy

See you in next update


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