Chapter Thirteen

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Riley rush inside the house while calling Sebastian and Angelo. Both rush towards her and hug her. She said grinning: "I make four new friends"

Angelo asked grinning: "so you enjoy"

She nodded her head eagerly. Sebastian saw Xavier coming inside looking upset. His little Angel didn't talk to him in the whole ride. He tries to talk to her while asking about her day but she keeps looking out. She is upset with him because he leaves her at school.

Sebastian said simply: "go your daddy will bath you then you can have lunch"

Xavier smiled at Sebastian. She said looking at Angelo: "gelo bath Riley"

Xavier's face dropped. Angelo said simply: "why not your lovely daddy?"

She pouts and said crosses her arms: "daddy no loves Riley. Daddy leave Riley crying"

Xavier's heart broke hearing her. He said with tears kneeling in front of her: "Angel, please don't that I don't love you. I love you more than myself. I will do everything to make it up to you. Please forgive me. I love you so much"

Riley looked at him with tears rolling down his cheeks. She wipes his tears and said pouting: "Riley sorry daddy, please no cry"

He starts looking down broke into tears. She hugs him while Angelo and Sebastian smile at them. Xavier never cries in front of anyone. He never kneels in front of anyone but Riley is the only one who had the power to make him kneel in front of her. That Little girl didn't know the power she is holding right now. She has the power to make the darkest and mysterious man break down just in seconds who get feared by everyone.

He said softly: "now daddy can bath you right"

She said giggling: "yes Daddy"

He smiles and wipes his tears. They went upstairs to their room. He baths her and changed her clothes. They have lunch and now Xavier and Riley are in the living room. Riley said giggling: "I learn dance daddy"

Xavier and Riley both laying on the floor on their stomach in front of each other. Xavier is listening to her talking about her friends, miss rose and her playtime. She gets up in front of him and picks her hands in the air while shaking them and moving side to side (I don't know how to explain this dance so think a cute dance) she said giggling: "I do good Daddy"

He chuckled and said smirking: "so cute baby"

She said pouting: "no claps"

He quickly claps his hands making her smile brightly. Then she tells him about a boy who is crying when he falls from the slide while showing how he cried while laying on the floor. He started to laugh loudly at her cute actions. He is now on his back. Riley lay on him while giggling and start yawning.

He said gently stroking her hair: "go to sleep Angel, it's your nap time"

She mumbles yawning: "homework daddy"

He said in a low voice: "we'll do it later"

She murmured falling into sleep. After some time, when he knows she is now in deep sleep. He gently picks her while getting up from the floor. He lay her on the couch. He saw her mouth open a little try to find something. Her eyebrows furrowed. He chuckled and went upstairs and came back with a pacifier and blanket. He gave her a blanket and pacifier in her mouth. She starts sucking happily. He knows about her habit of suckling in sleep. He tries to stop her but she woke up and start crying so he eventually gave up for now. Xavier is busy with his work while Riley is having her nap.


Xavier set a reminder on his phone so he wouldn't forget to pick Riley from school. They drove toward the school. His heartbeat started to increase while thinking about her crying again. He will get her back in she cry today that's what he is thinking. He stops in front of the school and hopped off his car. He walks towards her side and put her down on his feet. He gave her a bag and look at her. She smiles and wave bye to him then rush inside the school. He felt happy that she didn't cry this time but also felt bad that she didn't hug him. He sighed and went to walk away when she came and hug his legs from behind making him smile.

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