Chapter Seventeen

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It's been a few weeks since Xavier family left his house. His father broke all his relations with Xavier. Xavier didn't mind it because he wasn't there with him when five years back he lost everything. Riley school is closed for summer breaks. Liam is fine now and Xavier is also happy with his little angel. 

Xavier is sleeping on his back while his little angel is also sleeping while her head is on Xavier's chest. Xavier whole room is filled with only Riley and Xavier pictures. His whole room which was filled with different types of drinks and files is now filled with teddies, toys and Riley's other things.

Riley had seven different types of sleepers. Well, they went shopping and Riley can't decide between the sleepers and his daddy bought all of them for his baby. Their whole house is now filled with Riley toys, books and her favourite things. There is a big photo of Riley is in Xavier's arms kissing his cheek smiling brightly hanging in the living room. There is also another photo of Xavier, Sebastian and Angelo with Riley between them with a big smile.

Xavier woke up from his sleep and smile down at his baby. He strokes her hair and pecks her forehead. He gets up a little and going to lay her on the ned when she mumbles: "Daddy"

He said smiling: "go to sleep baby"

She rub her eyes yawning then said sitting straight: "where Daddy?"

Xavier said smiling: "daddy just going jogging and working out"

Riley said pouting: "okay Daddy"

She hugs her lion plushie and closes her eyes again. He chuckles at her cuteness and changes into his tracks. He went to the garden for jogging and did his workout. It's now 9 am and he is going to walk upstairs when the doorbell ring. Sebastian went to Russia because of a case and Angelo went to Switzerland for his new song shooting and everything.

Scarlet opened the door and Xavier said blankly: "who's at the door Scarlet?"

Scarlet said simply: "Liam sir"

Xavier went downstairs and said simply: "you brought the new photo"

Liam said smirking: "yes and I also bring more things"

Xavier remove the cover and said smiling at the picture: "beautiful"

Liam said smirking: "I already saw it"

Xavier said smirking: "let's put it before my baby wakes up"

Liam nods and they get the photo upstairs to his room. He hang the new photo on the wall and Liam said smirking: "I remember how your room and walls filled with stupid things and files and now your room is filled with just Riley things"

Xavier said smiling: "good morning baby, wake up"

Riley pout then wakes up rubbing her eyes. Xavier said smiling: "look"

Riley looks at the photo frame and giggle. Riley is wearing a red gown and Xavier is wearing his black suit. He is kneeling in front of her and kissing her hand while Riley had a big smile on her face. Liam said smiling: "good morning cutie"

Riley said giggling: "good morning uncle li"

Liam smiled at her and said simply: "okay you guys freshen up then we can talk"

Xavier nodded at him and Liam went downstairs waving bye to Riley. Xavier and Riley get ready and went downstairs. They all had breakfast together. Now Riley is playing with her teddies teaching them A to Z.

Liam said blankly: "I get every single piece of information about Riley and her mother"

Xavier nodded at him for continuing. Liam said blankly: "you know, Riley stay in the orphanage"

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