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jungkook groaned as he woke up from sleep, another lady on his side.

as usual whenever jeongguk takes the light.

he remembered he had another therapist appointment today and hurriedly kicked the lady out of his house, tiredness overwhelming his features.

he had dark eye circles but even though he wanted to catch a lady, he would.

he went to the bathroom, freshened up and got back into his bedroom.

with a towel wrapped around his waist, he sat on his bed, thoughts running through his head.

he sometimes wondered if some of his thoughts were actually his.

or did some of his thoughts belong to his personalities?

he never got to know.

he wondered if jimin was coming back.

it had been a while and he missed him. his beautiful face, cute voice.

nagging attitude which always kept jungkook on the right track.

his comforting hugs which felt like... home.

but those hugs weren't here.

jimin would come back when jungkook was better.

when jungkook no longer had his personalities to deal with.

when jungkook was no longer self centered.

until then.

he had to keep seeing the pretty thera-

the therapist.


jungkook sighed as he sat on a waiting bench, waiting for the therapist on a bench.

his head in his hands, he kept tapping his feet on the ground.

a woman in high heels walked out of an office, the click-clacking of her heels making an obnoxiously loud noise.

jungkook grunted, still tapping his feet on the ground.

he really should leave. just stop seeing this therapist.

why couldn't he?

was he that desperate to get better?


but he knew. he knew damn well that it wasn't the reason he was here.

he didn't want to just see the therapist, he wanted to see the therapist.

that was fucking stupid.

the ringtone of a telephone echoed in the hallway and jungkook finally looked up from his hands.

"mr jeon? you can go in now." the secretary said.

jungkook grumbled for he was about to leave the establishment.

shoving his hand into the pockets of his jacket, he walked into the office.

the beige color of the office welcomed him even though he still found it weird that it was so repetitive in the room.

"jungkook." the therapist greeted as he walked out of his desk.

"mr kim." jungkook replied, sending him a nod.

"i thought we were on first term bases now. is there a problem?" he asked as he sat on his chair, crossing his long legs.

jungkook swallowed before replying, "you thought wrong mr kim." he sat on the couch which his body was familiar with.

"want to meditate?" taehyung asks.

"yeah." Jungkook says as he lies down on the chair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.


"mr jeon..." taehyung started, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.


"one of your... personalities showed up here. do you happen to know all of their names?"

"yes." jungkook whispered, fiddling with his fingers.

he was feeling nervous and he didn't even understand why. wasn't the meditation supposed to help calm him down?

"relax mr jeon. i'm not mad."

jungkook nodded, gulping.

"okay. fine. let's play a game."

"what?" jungkook asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"let's play 20 questions."

"what is this? elementary school?"

"it'll help you loosen up. you can ask me anything."

jungkook sighed once again.

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