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jungkook turned and tossed in his bed, thoughts flying through his head.

it was so uncomfortable in the room.

although it was daytime, he couldn't bring himself to do anything reasonable.

the brown orbs of the therapist had remained in his head.

it was wrong.

he knew that.

he fucking knew it.

he told himself that everyday.

it was supposed to be jimin's eyes. he's the one that jungkook was doing all of this for.

so that they could be together.

why was he thinking of the fucking therapist?

it had been two weeks since he saw the therapist or even went to his place of work.

what was happening to him?

he felt so restless.

his legs shook as a personality of his room the light.


he got up from the bed, walking out of the room.

it was like an oven had been turned on and left open.

sweat ran down his neck as he turned on the shower, cringing at how sweaty jungkook smelt.

"i thought i was the one who couldn't take care of myself." he said, tsking.

scrubbing his body with a loofah, a small chuckle slipped through his lips.

a few minutes later, he stepped out of the shower, throwing on some clothes and heading to the door.

locking the door, he spinned and got onto his motorbike.

driving with the wind till he arrived at a white building.

"why does this place have to be so tasteless." he mumbled as he walked towards the East wing of the building.

tapping his feet impatiently, he waited for the elevator to reach the awaited floor.

people kept coming into the elevator and it annoyed him.

"fucked up people." he grumbled, finally getting to his floor.

the long hallway stared at him as he walked straight.

"mr jeon. he's busy right now."

the man ignored the secretary, opening the door to the office and catching sight of the therapist who sat at his desk, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at his paperwork.

the therapist's pink tongue darted out, touching his lips, his eyes finally catching sight of the not so welcome male who stood at the door, groaning and slamming the door shut.

"mr jeon. can i help you?" the therapist asks, putting down his papers and walking or of the desk.

"black turtleneck this time." he mumbled, sitting on the couch and kicking his feet up on the table.

"are you jeongguk?" taehyung asked, the movements all too familiar.

"like you didn't know the second I stepped into the room. i'm way hotter than the other idiot."

"if you didn't notice before, both of you have the same face." taehyung stated relaxing on the edge of the desk

"not the same amount of confidence though. the fool's restless. you're a therapist you should know what to do. i woke up to a body that had been fucked up with sweat." jeongguk says, shivering in disgust.

"how would i know what to do? i haven't seen him in two weeks and i'm probably not the doctor you should be with."

"yeah, sure taehyung. i swear you therapists are dumb sometimes."

"i beg your pardon." taehyung says, raising an eyebrow and folding his arms over his chest.

"do you have any other patients today?"


"good. you're coming with me." jeongguk says, getting up from the chair and walking over to the therapist, pulling his arm.

"what the-" the therapist muttered, his feet moving while his body resisted.

jeongguk pulled him out if the office, slamming the door shut.

"let me go mr jeon."

"you can call me jeongguk."

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