Remus Lupin- Aftermath of a Full Moon PART 3

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I hear the sharp crack of Remus materialising outside the bedroom door where I lay snuggled in the warmth of the comforter. The door is silently swung inwards and Remus appears in the door frame. I quickly get up and walk to him, engulfing his lanky body.

'Are you ok?' I ask.

Remus clears his throat, 'Just a few bruises and scratches, darling, nothing to worry about.'

I sigh and pull away to scan him. His brown sweater was shredded at the edges, his trousers caked with dirt and dried blood. For the past few years, it wasn't a new sight.

I hesitantly looked up at his face, fearing the possible scratches he may bear. A long, red line runs form the bottom of his eye, along his cheekbone to the start of his hairline. My heart sinks. It was deep.

I worked quickly, not wanting infection to set in. This was out monthly routine ever since that night 5 years ago. My husband seemed to improve over the years, but once in a blue moon it was bad. Thankfully, this was not the month.

I escorted Remus to the bathroom, my hand on his upper shoulder, scared he might pass out, heading for the bathtub. I sat him on the edge whilst I opened the hot water tap on a low flow so I would have enough time to clean his wounds before Remus got in.

I examined his face for a moment. He had his eyes closed, eyelashes gently resting on his upper cheek. Underneath his eyes were puffy and darker then when I saw him last. His ginger-blond hair was cut short, sticking in all directions, littered with brown bits and his small moustache had bits of leaves in it. I shook myself out of my state and got to it.

Time Skip

Remus took the fresh towel from my hand and wrapped himself in it at the waist, and extra smaller towel rubbing wet hair, making it stick up and to the side of his face. I led him to the bedroom where I had laid out a set of silky pyjamas and a pair of boxers. I had discovered that the silk caused less friction against his cut and scrapes, resulting in less discomfort.

I left Remus to change whilst I put on a white silky nightdress, serving the same purpose as his silky pyjamas. I slipped out of our bedroom and went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea, extra sugar, extra comfort. I pulled out a chocolate bar from the cupboard figuring he would take comfort in the sugary sweetness of the chocolate.

I head upstairs with the cup of tea and chocolate bar under my arm, quietly as possible, careful not to make any noise as I knew Remus would be jumpy after his full moon. I entered the room to find Remus sitting on the bed, back against the headboard, glasses on and a book in his hand. His hair fluffy after just drying and falling over his forehead. I let a soft chuckle. He looked very cute.

He looks up as I move closer to him.

'There you are.'

'Here I am,' I pause, 'With tea and chocolate. 'I say, smiling.

He beckons me onto the bed as he takes the tea from me and leaves it on his nightstand, moving slowly as to not drop any. I pull out the chocolate bar from between my arm and side, handing it to him. He smiles.

'Here, eat. You'll feel better.' I say encouragingly.

'After my tea, I don't want it to get cold.' He says as I move onto the bed, pulling the comforter over my body, already warm from his body heat.

'Why do you insist on drinking scorching hot tea, Rem?' I ask as I eye him take a sip of the steaming tea.

'Well, I'm just so eager to drink it, considering it was made by you,' he says adding a wink at the end, earning a small laugh from me.

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