Bill Weasley-My Bad

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This oneshot is pretty much a Drabble, so yeah!

Bill threw his leg over your thighs, nuzzling his nose into your bare back. He inhaled deeply, sighing at your scent.

You toss and turn for a bit, before turning around to face him, eyes wide open.

"Good morning, my love." He says, voice deep and scratchy.

You incoherently mumbled something before snuggling further into his warm body, throwing a blanket over your head, earning a chuckle from him.

He ran his fingertips in random patterns on your skin, underneath the blankets.

You two lay there for a moment, moulded together, heartbeats one, breaths in sync.

Bill knew he had to eventually wake you up, the rest of the family would be up and about by now, but felt guilty for the thought of interrupting your sleep.

Sighing, Bill leaned towards and placed a kiss on your blanketed head.

"We have to wake up soon, sweetie." He whispers through the blanket.

You were silent for a moment, before crawling up his body to lay on his chest.

After a few moments, he could hear his family downstairs, probably getting breakfast ready.

"Babe..." he whispered.

"Yeah, I know." You said, defeated.

You lifted your head so you cold look Bill in the eye.

"What do you think their making?" You ask.

Bill chuckled, "Probably sausage and eggs."

"Hmm.." your stomach grumbled.

You pouted.

"Traitor," you hiss at your belly.

Bill laughed and shook his head. He picked you up by your armpits like a child and placed you next to him on the bed.

"I'll get the shower started for us," he says before heading to the bathroom.

You roll off the bed, careful not to get tangled with the blankets again, pulling off your clothes as you get to the bathroom.

You spot Bill in front of the mirror, naked, tracking the scars on his face.

Your heart plummets.

"Bill." You say, wrapping your arms around his lean body.

"The shower should be hot enough." He states

Sighing, you take a look at him in the mirror, moving so that your could be beside him.

You look at yourself for a moment, your lips were slightly swollen from last night'

Then, you notice something on your neck. A dark blue, rectangular patches down the front of your neck.

You look at Bill.

Bill looks at you. He smirks.

"Bill, you asshole." You hiss under your breath.

You punch Bill in the side of his arm, hard.

"What was that for?" He whines.

"This." You say harshly, pointing to your neck.

Bill snickers, "My bad."

"Yes, your bad, Weasley." You punch his arm again.

"What was THAT for?" He squeaks, cradling his arm.

"For being as arse, arse!" You exclaim. "I swear, I'm gonna confiscate those rings of your." You huff.

"Hay, you were the one who told me to hold you harder." Bill say, holding his hands up in defense.

You huff in annoyance.

"Bill, how in Merlin's name am I supposed to cover this up?"

"You know you don't have to," he suggests pointedly.

You glare at him.

"Fine, fine. I'll give you my Gryffindor scarf, should help."

"It better not be that stinky one."


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