Draco Malfoy- Trying PART 3

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I leant in to sniff the cauldron cakes, still steaming, fresh out of the oven. The smell overpowering my senses, causing biles to surge up my throat. My hand instinctually flying up to cover my mouth.

'Aunty Y/N, are you ok,' Teddy asked, standing next to me with a curious look on his face.

'I'm just fine Ted, don't you worry,' I manage to mumble. 'Now let's set this aside so it can cool, and in the meantime why don't you go and play with Dobby and Uncle Draco?' I suggest.

I picked up a pair of oven mitts and pick up the hot tray of cakes and set them near a window to cool. I haven't had cauldron cakes since the last train ride back from Hogwarts in my last year. I had the sudden urge to eat some so I decided why not bake some?

As for the gagging, I had no idea where that came from.

I cast a glance at the mountain of dishes and decide to do a quick spell. I watched the dishes start to wash, satisfied, I make my way into the living room. I spot Draco sitting on a comfy couch, his right hand stretched over the arm of the couch and on the other hand, he nursed a glass of Firewhiskey, the veins in his hands visibly running up the back of his palm to his wrist.

Teddy sat in front of the roaring fire, scratching Dobby behind the ears, who was enjoying the attention he was getting.

'Hay, darling.' Draco said, softly enough so I heard. 'How did the baking go?' He inquired, with a smirk on his face.

He stood up and slowly walked toward me.

'You have a little something here,' he said, his smirk vis9ible in his voice as he caresses the arch of my eyebrow.

I know he is possibly wiping off flour because Teddy and I had a flour fight.

'Oh really? What about here,' I say, sporting a devilish smirk, pointing to my upper lip.

He glanced sideways at Teddy, seeing that his is occupied and leans his face towards me, looking deep into my eyes. His warm lips greet my upper lip and he gently massages it for a few seconds before pulling away leaving me disappointed.

'He looks at the pout I pulled and says,' Tonight.'

He winks and walks to his seat.


I walk into our shared room after putting Teddy to sleep. The rustling from the bathroom makes me aware Draco is still in the shower. I head to my walk-in closet and strip, leaving me in my bra and panties. I skim over my pyjamas. As I turn around, Draco is standing behind me, biting his bottom lip. He is in nothing besides a pair of dark grey sweatpants, leaving his upper half on full display. He stalks towards me, his head lowered at an angle, his eyes running up and down my body. He halts right in form of me, inches away from my face, his face fanning my forehead due to his height.

Draco leans his head down and kisses me with a toe-curling passion. His rough massages deepen as the taste of his mint toothpaste transfers to my mouth.

The taste of mint makes my stomach churn, an acidic substance shoots up my throat. This time I don't think I'm able to keep it down.

I pull away from Draco, last expression I saw on his face was a surprise, as I run to the bathroom and collapse at the base of the toilet. I hover over it for a second before I bring up my dinner.

I hear Draco's footsteps on the tiles over my heaving as he drops to his knees beside me, his hands instantly moving up and down my back in an attempt to soothe me before one hand goes up my neck and gathers my hair to ensure I don't mess on it.

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