Regulus Black- Together Once Again (Requested)

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Requested by BlueButterfly-2001

A shadow moved across the alleyway, the echo of footfalls bouncing from the walls.

It moved as quickly and quietly as it could, however failing the quietly part.

Regulus Black, wrapped his robe tighter around his chilled body, his fingers numb from the winter's breath.

His eyes strained again the inky darkness, for it was one of the many moonless nights this week. Regulus considered using his wand, but he couldn't risk it.

He looked over his shoulder, but to no avail, he couldn't see as much as in front of him as behind him.

He came to a halt. Leaned against the grimy stone wall, listening.

Listening for footsteps of possible assailants, or the utterance of a deadly spell.

But all he heard was the faint sound of the whistling wind and the squeaking of rats.

He sighed. Regulus knew he was being paranoid, but he couldn't be too careful.

Pushing himself off the wall, Regulus navigated through the rest of the alleyway, knowing every twist and turn off by heart.

This used to be his escape route when he was younger, slipping out at night when things got bad at home.

But he always returned. No matter how much things escalated, he always came home. He couldn't leave him alone, not with them.

Pausing, the alleyway opened into the street, Grimmauld Place, he was almost home.

He held his breath, straining his ears again for any sounds.

But none came, it was the middle of the night after all.

He looked both ways before he sprinted across the street, drawing his wand and muttering a spell.

The familiar black, two-story cobblestone house came into view, squeezing itself between two presumably muggle houses.

It looked abandoned, dust visibly collecting on the windowsills, and the windows were shut up with plank boards.

He knocked on the dark stained wooden door, and not just any old knock. A rhythm his brother and him came up with.

A moment passed.

The heavy door swung open, revealing the other brother Black.

Sirius sighed, his chest tightened. Tears threatened to surface.


"Well don't you think I should come in, I mean it is rather infested with death eaters out here, in my professional opinion."

"Yeah," Sirius murmured, moving aside from the doorway.

Regulus noticed the wand at his side, and he quickly hid it in his trouser pocket.

As soon as he passed through the threshold, a sigh of relief was breathed.

He was home.

And he was safe.

Sirius hesitated, it wasn't common to show affection in this particular household, and neither sibling was familiar with such gestures.

Before he could hang his coat, Regulus spun around, facing Sirius, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I missed you," Sirius' croaked.

"So did I."

"I didn't think you were gonna come back," Sirius furthered.

"Why wouldn't I come back?" Regulus questioned.

"Dammit, Reg!" Sirius exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. "I thought they would kill you, you idiot!"

"Well, they did try."

They looked at each other in awkward silence, a type both were used to.

Sirius just got his brother back and they were already squabbling due to the explosive combination of Regulus' straightforwardness and Sirius' sarcastic tendencies.

Regulus pursed his lips.

"Is she here?" Regulus asked eagerly.

Nodding, Sirius gestures to the staircase.

"Just be careful," Sirius warned.

"Of a staircase?" Regulus cocked his head.

"No, you dim-never mind, mother's portrait is on the first landing. She's been... how shall I put it, singing my praises ever since it found out what we were up to."

Completely understanding what Sirius implied, Regulus treaded quietly up the rickety stairs, making it past the sleeping aforementioned portrait.

Walburga looked completely harmless, the hard lines of her forehead were most forefront to Regulus, who was used to seeing it crinkled in rage. Her thin lips were slightly parted and a soft sigh escaped.

Regulus decided he would cover her with a material of some sort, even though she was his mother, she was still a monster.

Creeping up the rest of the stairway, Regulus rushed to his room, swinging open the door.

Two lumps were visible beneath the duvet. The bigger one was that of his sleeping partner. Hair messily sprayed around their head, chest slowly rising and falling, back to Regulus.

The second belonged to a very wide-awake little boy, his son. His chubby legs kicked the air, a little giggle escaping his lips as he spouted a ramble of baby words.

Regulus' strong exterior cracked. Tears spilt down his cheeks, a smile on his face as he let go of a breath.

He floated to his bed, picking up his son, holding him close to his heart, feeling his warmth, a hand cushioning the back of his head.

Regulus looked into his eyes, the familiar dark brown eyes both parents shared. He had the cutest button nose on which Regulus placed a gentle kiss.

Regulus hardly spent time with him since he was born.

"Good heavens, I missed you so much." He whispered, almost scared to ruin the moment.

The baby was enthralled with this person, he was somewhat familiar, the dark eyes and long, curly hair. Hair which he tightly wrapped his fingers in.

"Regulus?" A soft voice called, raspy from the long-forgotten sleep.

Regulus whipped his head in the direction of the voice, forgetting the vice his hair was in.

"Slytherin, that hurt!"

Chuckling, you woke up from the warmth of the bed, unclasping the vice-like grip your son's baby fingers had on your husband's curly hair.

"I..." he started.

"I miss you too."

He smiled, leaning his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.

Tears rolled some of Regulus' cheek, falling from his jaw onto my chest.

Holding back a sob, I brought my hand up to the side of his face.

"I love you," I whisper.

The baby rested his face on his shoulder, gurgling words of delight.

"I love you more." He mumbled, snuggling into the crook of your shoulder.

Sirius poked his head through the door, watching them, a family. His heart ached at this bittersweet moment, having never felt this emotion before.

Regulus spotted his brother, lifting his head, he beckoned Sirius over.

"Don't mind me third-wheeling?" He asked.

Regulus and you open your arms, throwing an arm around the man.

Sirius inhaled deeply, "So, have y'all thought about naming this child, personally, I was thinking Sirius or Orion..."

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