Dating Draco Malfoy Would Include:

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~ At first he would not outwardly show his affection towards you to protect his reputation.

~ Hims venting to you, vice versa, which leads to cuddles and maybe something more...

~ Him always having his arm around your waist.

~ Having really deep conversations at like 3 pm in the common room, sharing a blanket and eating ice cream.

~ He loves vanilla ice cream!!!

~ He finds candles relaxing, so you end up buying him dozens of candles with scents like Apple Strudel, Chocolate brownies and Pumpkin Spice.

~ Him wanting to protect you from the darkness of the outside world.

~ Some days he just wants to hold you tight, smell your hair and love at the moment.

~ He would miss you so much during the holidays that he bought a bottle of your fragrance or shampoo so that every time he smelt it, it would feel as though you were in the room with him.

~ Him is surprised when you treat him with humility and kindness, even though you are fully aware of how he can be.

~ He shows affection by spoiling you with gifts.

~ He purposely sneaks his sweaters into your drawers so that you feel bad for stealing his.

~ Him always checking if you're warm enough, even if it's hot outside.

~ He gives you the most heart-melting pet names like his angel darling or princess

~ When he studies with you he gets easily distracted by you.

~ Would often try dyeing his hair in different colours.

~ He loves being spooned

~ White Kalvin Klines...and nothing else.

~ He gives you neck kisses

~ Kissing his collar bones gives him butterflies.

~ He finds it cute when you get protective over him, often sporting a smirk.

~ Loves when you get angry, hopefully not at him, and he thinks it makes you hot.

~ Makeup sex

~ Is in love with his rings.

~ Names his rings; Gertrude(Gertie for short), Mary, Bethany and his personal favourite, Darla.

~ Loves kissing your body.

~ Leaves hickeys on the inner of your thigh.

~ He likes biting your fingers when y'all are play fighting.

~ He has the sexiest pickup lines.

~ You would randomly get a package at breakfast with lingerie in it, I wonder who would send you such things...

~ He would be the guy to send your parents Christmas presents/cards.

~ Gets needy at times.

~ You develop an almost sibling-like relationship with Crabbe and Goyle when they're not being dicks.

~ Mood-swings.

~ Always talks about the future with you, down to the centrepieces at your wedding, even though y'all are not even legal yet.

~ Sometimes dreams about kidnapping you and running away, starting a whole new life somewhere tropical. Can you imagine Draco sunbathing?

~ He hates going out into the sun, the poor thing gets red as a tomato.

~ being buddies with Narcissa.

~ You and Narcissa plan your kid's names the first time y'all meet.

~ Sneaking out of the dorms to stargaze.

~ When you flirt back, he blushed a little.

~ His ears turn red when he feels hot.

~ Early morning walks in the forest.

~ He has tea 5 times a day.

~ You randomly poking him.

~ He randomly nudges you with his forehead and kisses you wherever.

~ Doing face masks with him.

~ Sneaking into the kitchens at Hogwarts just because you were thinking of food.

~ He never remembers to drink water, so you carry a water bottle with you.

~  Has crazy instincts about you, like if you're cold or hungry, even how you're feeling.

~ He helps you with homework, sometimes Snape recognizes his handwriting but doesn't say anything.

~ Gossiping with Lucius at like midnight when you would visit Draco's home

~ You have like a love-hate relationship with Pansy.

~ Having the craziest sex.

~ Him just being cute without even trying.

~ He pouts

~He smirks

~ He buys these little charms, like baby elephants or strawberries, and leaves them on your pillow for no reason whatsoever.

~ He loves children even though he would never admit it.

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