Preferences- Pets

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Sirius Black:

Because Sirius can practically turn into a dog when he wants to, both of you haven't found a reason to adopt a pet

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Because Sirius can practically turn into a dog when he wants to, both of you haven't found a reason to adopt a pet. Whenever Sirius hears you talking about a cute dog you see, that night he would turn into 'Snuffles' and cuddle with you.

Remus Lupin:

Remus is weary when it comes to living creatures

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Remus is weary when it comes to living creatures. When you first approached him with an idea, he shut you down as politely as possible. Remus is so afraid of hurting you let alone another animal, but over time, you made him realize that he would never hurt a living creature willingly. One day you tricked him into going to a muggle pet shop, hoping to make him fall in love with one of the animals there. Unfortunately, nothing really worked out. After some failed attempts you decided to adopt a kitten without telling him. Remus was annoyed at first, but learned how to co-exist with Mittens, your ginger cat. Mittens didn't really like Remus at first, but eventually warmed up to him.

Severus Snape:

Severus is not keen about animals in general. He doesn't believe in keeping a creature in 'captive' as he calls it, so you don't get a pet. However, he does take you  into the Forbidden Forrest to explore, and you do come across the odd animal.

Lucius Malfoy:

When Lucius first bought his mansion, before he met you, he bought a couple of peacocks which he let roam around the front garden, as a show of wealth

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When Lucius first bought his mansion, before he met you, he bought a couple of peacocks which he let roam around the front garden, as a show of wealth. After you moved in with him, you got to bond with the birds, even though the noises they made gave you nightmares. You named every peacock, even though it was hard to keep track of them. Lucius thought it was adorable, at first, then you started to spend more time with them. Sooner or later you convinced him to let the peacocks go, so, just for you, he donated them to a muggle zoo.

Draco Malfoy:

As a joke, you adopted a Snow White ferret for Draco and your first wedding anniversary

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As a joke, you adopted a Snow White ferret for Draco and your first wedding anniversary. Draco absolutely despised Norton, your ferret, after having awful flashbacks of the time Mad Eyed Moody turned him into one. After a few months, Draco warmed up to Norton and now and again you would find him cuddling with Norton on a sofa, or Norton scurrying around Draco's shoulders.

Bill Weasley

Bill and you never really thought of having a pet, but after an unexpected visit from Charlie, both of you fell in love with the baby dragons

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Bill and you never really thought of having a pet, but after an unexpected visit from Charlie, both of you fell in love with the baby dragons. So, Bill and you decided to temporarily adopt the baby dragons whenever the sanctuary ran out of place. It caused a lot of chaos around the house, but you loved every moment.

George Weasley:

George and you didn't have time to talk about pets because after a few months of marriage, you fell pregnant, and so began a string of pregnancies afterwards. Your house became so full, you and George never really had time or the space for a pet.

Fred Weasley

After opening the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, Fred soon started selling Pygamy Puffs

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After opening the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, Fred soon started selling Pygamy Puffs. Those adorable creatures pulled at your heartstrings pushing you to adopt a few. Fred didn't mind the Pygamy's, however Pim, the oldest and first Pygamy Puff, didn't take a shining today him, often biting his fingers.

Neville Longbottom :

Neville took care of his plants like they were his babies, hence he never really wanted a pet. For you, dealing with all the crazy plants was the equivalent of owning a zoo.

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