Remus Lupin x Sirius Black- Black In His Bed PART 1

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I think I'll take my whiskey neat
My coffee {Black and (in) my bed at three}
~ Hozier

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Books went flying followed by a muffled groan and a heavy thump.

Sirius adjusted the apron tied at his hips and peeked through the ajar door.

"Oh for fuck'sake!"

Sirius drew in a heavy breath before knocking on the door.

"Remus..." Sirius asked hesitantly.


"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah."

Treading lightly, Sirius entered the bedroom, a bedroom that once housed a distant cousin, a cousin turned enemy.

Remus had his back turned to Sirius, hunched over an old desk, his baby blue sweater straining against his back, one hand running through his mussed-up mousy hair.

"Everything all right, mate?" Sirius questioned softly.

Remus' shoulders slumped and he lets out a tired breath.

" I can't find my diary." He replies defeatedly.

"You mean the leather one with the name 'Remus' inscribed on it in gold, that's lying on the kitchen counter next to the cup of tea you forgot to drink..."

"Fuck, why didn't you tell me!" Remus grits.

"Whoa hold on there, buttercup, no need to get your sweaters in a bunch. What's got you so worked up? Because the last time I checked you had your wolfsbane potion and chocolate." Sirius said, in an almost berating tone with his hands on his hips.


Remus stormed past him, a dark expression on his face, trooping down the stairs, not forgetting to throw an ' Oh fuck you, you wench' to the hate-garbling portrait of Sirius' late mother.

Sirius scrambled after the tall man, untying the strings of his apron as he went along, following him into the kitchen.

Remus grabbed the diary.

"Darling, talk to me. Here have a cookie, I just baked it now." Sirius tried to say in a calming voice.

Remus sighed heavily, dropping onto a chair, and resting his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." Came the muffled apology.

Sirius softened and came to stand in front of Remus' hunched figure. His hand crept through Remus' soft hair, running up and down his back soothingly.

Remus sighed softly, wrapped his long arms around Sirius' stomach and rested his head on Sirius' chest.

They stayed like that for a moment, embracing and soothing, seeking comfort, Sirius' body swayed slightly, both with closed eyes.

There was silence once again at 12 Grimmauld Place.

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