Remus Lupin and Sirius Black x Reader

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"Remus, Siri!"

No answer.

I closed the door of number 12 Grimmauld Place behind me, kicking my boots off.

Heading to the kitchen, I placed the bags of groceries on the kitchen counter.

Still no sign of them.

Sighing, I climbed the stairs to my bedroom, a low squeaking sound resonating through the house.

I paused just before Walburga Black's portrait, holding my breath, getting on my tiptoes.

Steadying myself, I crept past the portrait.

"Look, the tart has come home. What, come to corrupt my bastard son even more than he is? You filthy, disease-ridden bitch!"

I jumped from my skin, goosebumps erupting along my arms.

"Fudge!" I whispered under my breath.

I sprinted up the rest of the stairs, leaving the hollering of Walburga Black behind me, panting as I got to the landing.

My attention was drawn to the guest bedroom, the light was on. A shadow passed from one end to the other.

Drawing my wand, I approached carefully, weighing my options mentally.

If it were an intruder, they definitely would have heard the prior commotion.

Maybe I should make myself known, just in case. But in case what? The burglar was hard of hearing?

I internally smacked myself on the forehead.

Taking a deep breath I called out.

"Sirius? Remus?"

My heart leapt out of my chest and the door flew open and two figures stumbled out.

"Oi! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Sirius scowled.

"Nearly give YOU a heart attack! What about me? I called out your names when I came in. Are y'all deaf?"

"Well, we didn't hear a thing, DARLING. Maybe you should learn to speak louder!" He countered.

"Sirius!" Remus scolded.

I glared at them.

"Anyway, what were y'all so busy with you didn't hear me come up? Your mother even had a fit when I went past her!"

"Not my mother!" Sirius mumbled.

"Nothing much," Remus squeaked.

I raised an eyebrow.


"Yes really."


I scanned their features.

Sirius' hair was in a ponytail, the top two buttons of his shirt open.


Remus'  brown hair was more messy than usual, his usual tie gone and his feet bare.


"Were you two perhaps..." I made a dramatic pause," Making out?"

Their mouths' dropped.

"Wh-what! No!" Remus stuttered.

Sirius gave an audible sigh."Yeah."

Remus' head snapped to Sirius, his ears red as tomatoes.

My heart sank.

"Y/N, we wanted to tell you, we wanted to make this grand gesture and tell you, but then..." Sirius explained.

"No no, there's no need to explain. I-I'm going to my room."

"Wait!" Remus' voice rang behind me.

"It's fine really, Remy! I'm proud of you guys!" I choked, not looking back.

My throat tightened and my stomach churned. Tears stung my eyes as I struggled to hold back a sob.

I flung open my room door, closing it with a mumbled spell.

Leaning against the door, I examined my room. The creased bed sheets and the musty night lamp.

The thick, velvet curtains were closed, casting a dim light through the room.

A hot tear ran down my warm cheek, a couple more following. Stray strands of hair stuck to my now damp face, my chest wet.

Dammit, I never thought they would take this far, not with each other anyway.

Was I making a fool out of myself?

All that flirting and subtle teasing were in vain?

All those special moments we had, those meaningful glances, those random smiles.

Just for my heart to be shattered and theirs joined.

I should have known, after all, I am supposed to be smart and resourceful!

Falling for two people will end with pain for one.

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