H is for their Hair

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Sirius Black:

He loves his hair! He takes hours in the morning perfecting his luscious curls, sometimes taking the aid of a muffle curling iron. It gives him that extra boost of confidence when he struts past someone, dark brown hair bouncing behind him.

Remus Lupin:

He once went through an 'emo' phase where he grew out his hair, but never went back. He likes keeping his hair short and sweet. It suits him.

Severus Snape:

Unbeknownst to him, his hair adds to his dramatic appearance, tall dark and handsome. He doesn't have much time to trim his hair due to his job, but he does cut it short once in a while.

Lucius Malfoy:

Lucius has this peculiar thin, straight and blonde hair. He says it's a characteristic of wealthy gentlemen. But you suspect it's because he likes it when you play with it.

Draco Malfoy:

He has always kept his hair short and tidy since he was a boy, in case his father disapproved of it. But as he got older, Draco grew it out a bit, his hair short on the sides and long on the top.

Bill Weasley:

Bill believes his hair fits in with his 'aesthetic'. You think it just makes him look cuter, especially when he has it in a pony tail or a man bun. Sometime, when persuaded by his mother, he would trim it just a bit, however not to go unnoticed by you.

Fred Weasley:

This man loves his hair long, he likes it because it's out of the normal, and he is definitely NOT normal.

George Weasley:

George likes it when you cut his his hair, he doesn't mind exactly how short, but he enjoys the attention when you fuss over him.

Neville Longbottom:

Nev used to have the most cutest, curliest hair you have ever seen. As he matured, he cut his shorter, you didn't mind, but sometimes you wished you had the courage to run your fingers through his thick locks.

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