Severus Snape- Don't Forget

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Severus watches you bite into the chocolate chip cookie, your face lighting up immediately as the sweet taste settled on your tongue. You closed your eyes in delight, a smile forming on your lips as you started to chew the homemade cookie.

Severus smiles at you fondly as you let out a moan of satisfaction.

"Oh my Merlin! This tastes so good. Who made it?"

Severus' heart sinks, his smile falters. Taking a deep breath, he pushes he lips upwards.

"You did, darling."

"Oh." You stated, your smile turning into a frown.

"I don't recall."

"It's fine, my love. Do you want some milk with that?" Severus says, trying to distract you from your visible confusion.

Immediately, a smile springs onto your face, nodding like a child.

Severus gulps. He moves to the fridge and fishes out the jug of milk and pours it into a wide glass so you could dunk your cookies.

Walking back into the living room, he pauses a moment, observing you.

You were staring blankly out the window into the flowering garden.

Severus gently sits down next to you, careful not to scare you.

"Thank you."

Severus just smiles.

"What do you want to do today?" Severus asks you, knowing what the answer would be.

"Hmm... let's do some reading."

Automatically, Severus leans over the side of the couch to the pedastool, picking up your favorite book.

As anticipated.

"Will you read to me?"

Severus nods.

He runs a finger down the pages before opening up to the pages parked with a bookmark.

"Chapter 8: The Queens Croquet-Ground. A large rose tree stood at the entrance of the garden. The roses growing on it were white. The gardeners ( who looked like playing cards) were busy painting them red.

"Severus, I have not heard of this book."

Sighing internally, Severus starts to explain that they read up to this chapter yesterday.

Looking into your lap, a guilty frown appears on your beautiful face.

"Could you please start from the beginning?

"Sure, my love."

Severus has been through this many times, as many times as he has read this book he has memorized to you.

He hastily flips to the first chapter of the book, takes a deep breath and starts from the beginning, again.

Severus manages to look up as he reads the lines from memory. He snatches a glance or two of your mesmerized expression.

What has his beautiful wife come to?

Later that night, Severus manages to get you washed and into your pajamas. Leading you to your bed, he clasps your hand in his larger ones.

You get into bed as he pulls the blankets over you.

A sadness overcomes him.

"Why so sad, Sevy?"

Severus' eyes widen. You haven't called him that pet name in over a year.

"Nothing my love. I'm just going to miss you when I sleep."

"Then dream of me! Oh, Severus. Romantic as always."

Severus can't help but smile. However it does not reach his eyes, for that smile is one of sadness.

He caresses your cheek with the pad of his thumb, while he moves to sit on the bed next to you, leaning over you.

"Come now, Severus! We need to go to bed early. Tomorrow we have classes! I can't wait. We have potions first thing." Your smile is infectious.

"Of course, darling."

He leans down to place a soft kiss on your forehead, he pauses for a bit, before pulling back.

You let out a soft, sleepy giggle. Just like in your schooldays.

He wakes up from your bed and goes to the door.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

You had already fell asleep.

Severus moves his hand to the light switch and flips it.

He moves out of the doorway, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Tears prick his eyes, stinging as they collect at the bottom of his brown eyes, vision blurring.

Today was a good day for you.

But what about tomorrow?

And the day after that?

Severus mumbles something to himself.

"Don't forget Y/N. Please don't forget me."

A tear rolls over his cheek.




I have a challenge.

If you can name the book and the author that Severus reads to the reader....

Ok I don't really have much of a prize


I'll give you aaaaaaaa.......


Just comment or message me.

So rules:

1. First 5 who get it right will get a shoutout
2. No cheating!!!!!!


Good luck!



1. FhebieMaeJavelosa8
We'll done! 😁😁

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