A is for Aftercare

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Sirius Black:

Sirius is very adorable after a long night of passionate and rough sex. He gets really tired and so do you. Both of you usually fall asleep after finishing. Sirius cuddles you because he knows you're too lazy to put something on, so he uses his body heat.

Remus Lupin:

Remus is such a gentleman . After sex, Remus would clean you up with a warm towel, if it was a particularly steamy night, especially after a full moon, he would shower with you, using a loofah to smother shower gel onto your body, massaging your muscles and lathering shampoo into your hair. He would wrap you up like a burrito and carry you to bed, dressing you in one of his warm and fluffy sweater. Remus has a stash of chocolates in his bedside stand and he would feed you some dark chocolate. You would fall asleep with Remus wrapping his body around you and your head buried in his chest.

Severus Snape:

Sev would come down from his high, burying his head in your chest, placing a large amount of his body weight onto you, wrapping his arms around your torso. After a moment he would roll off you, his hands still around you, pulling you onto his chest. Severus would pull a blanket over you two and clean you up using a spell. He would then pour a glass of water for you via a spell and make you drink. Sev and you would fall asleep talking about anything and everything, like the war with the Death Eaters, a new potion he recently discovered or just his irritating students in general. If you were really up to it, you would talk about your future with Severus, how many kids your would have, where you would live. Eventually, you would fall asleep first and Severus would uncover you and wrap you in his signature robe before covering you again and falling asleep himself.

Lucius Malfoy:

Lucius would sit up against the headboard and pull you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you, you burying your head into his chest. He would then lift you off the bed, your legs wrapped around his torso, and carry you to the bathroom and put you down on the countertop whilst turning on the shower. After a quick shower, you would change into your most comfortable pajamas, Lucius settling for just a pair of boxers. You would fall asleep on your stomach, your hand draped over Lucius' body whilst he sleeps on his back.

Draco Malfoy:

Draco is the sweetest when it comes to aftercare. He would wrap you in a blanket and place you on the edge of the tub, whilst running a bath for you, sprinkling in some bath salts. Meanwhile, he would squat in front of you, kissing your thighs and talking to you. When the bath is ready for you both, he would unwrap you and gently slide you into the bath, sinking behind you as you lay the back of your head on his chest. Draco would massage your shoulders and ask you about your day, what did you at work, how you felt during the day. You would ask him the same before settling into a comfortable silence.

Bill Weasley:

Bill would sit against the headboard and you would sit against his chest, your back against his chest. He would wrap his hands around you and both of you would sit in comfortable silence. Bill would nuzzle his nose into your hair, breathing in your scent. Eventually, he would leave you to make a cup of tea for both of you, returning with the soothing cup of steamy tea. You would sip it until you fall asleep. Bill would watch you for a while, before laying his head on your chest, your heartbeat lulling him to sleep.

Fred Weasley:

Fred and you would lay on your sides facing each other. You would reminisce about your time at Hogwarts or funny pranks Fred pulled with George. It would always end up in both of you laughing until your sides where in stitches. Eventually, you and Fred will move closer to each other and end up cuddling, your arms around each other and your head buried in the crook of his neck.

George Weasley:

Georgie would pull you onto his body and wrap his arms around you. Running his hands up and down your back, he would whisper beautiful thoughts into your ear. George would accio some snacks to your bedroom. He would give you one of his shirts to wear and you and him would feast on all sorts of junk food.

Neville Longbottom:

Neville is the cutest when it comes to aftercare. Nev and you would take a long shower, massaging each other and making out. He would take you back to bed and dress you in one of his shirts and grey sweatpants. He would head to the kitchen and bring back a tray of leftovers to bed. He would feed you some food and you would feed him some. When you are full, he would place the tray in the side table and cuddle with you. He would spoon with you until you fall asleep.

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