Bill Weasley- Sleeping Arrangements PART 2

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I approached the wooden door, yellow lights streaming from underneath the precariously built structure. I could hear muffled voices.

I lifted a shaking hand, dirt smudged on the back and blood underneath my nails,I knocked at the door with as much effort my arms could produce. The sound coming out softer than I intended. I sigh, leaning against the wall next to the door. I was tired. My body was sore. It took every ounce of energy to move a muscle.

My legs began to shake at the knees, making my body too heavy for it too support. I slowly slid to the ground causing friction between my jacket and the wall. I looked out at the countryside, trees in the distant were just mere outlines.

The door swung open and a head popped out. Relief flooded me as I saw the curly, ginger hair.

Mrs Weasley looked to the side and then towards me. She gasped.

Something heavy and cool was placed on my forehead. I could feel a line running down my face. The material was soft and damp.

I became aware of myself. My body was heavy and sore. I moved my eyelids just enough to get a glimpse of sunshine basking the room I was in. I felt lethargic.

Wiggling my body, I felt the soft mattress underneath me and the blue comforter the lower parts of my body.

The door opened and Mrs Weasley stumbled into the room. She had an armful of bottles in her hands and a towel over her shoulder. She didn't pay attention to me as she dropped everything onto the dresser.

The dresser. The same dresser in Bill's room. Now I noticed his scent in the air.
Molly glanced over at me.

"Goodness! She's awake!" She exclaims.

She scurries over to me.

" Oh my dear. I'm so glad you are ok. We were supposed to take you to Saint Mungo's but we didn't want to risk it. And we have been so worried. Sirius was so worried. Forget about Sirius, Bill has been so worried. Three weeks! What were you thinking?" Molly carries on whilst I sit and watch, amused.

After a while, she comes to a realization that I hadn't said a word.

"How are you feeling?" She asks in a much more softer voice.

"A bit sore, I guess. What happened?"

" We'll I found you outside all scraped and bruised. I brought you inside, obviously. You were long passed out by then. Merlin! And not to mention your injuries!"

And yet she did.

I had a lot cuts and bruises. A head injury.

I guess the mission didn't goes as planned.


I rolled around in fluffy blankets onto my stomach, my face facing the wall. I was bored out of my mind, I couldn't even focus on a book.

The day was hot and humid, making the warm covers feel like a sauna. But I couldn't leave the room on Mrs Weasley's orders.

It's had been over a week since I stumbled onto the Weasley's doorstep and I have been healing ever since then.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from outside. It was probably Mrs Weasley.

"Ok, so I'm gonna pop on out to Diagon Alley to get some supplies. Now the twins, Ginny and Ron are coming with me, Percy is up in his room, doing Merlin nows what, leaving you with Bill," she winks." Will you be ok alone?"

"I'll be fine Mrs Weasley, don't worry about me."

She mumbles something about my visible bruises and heads out.

The house was oddly quiet, the occasional scuffle from Percy's room. Bill was probably not even home.

I gather my courage, and sanity, and leave the room and head for the kitchen.

As I pass the threshold of the kitchen, standing in the corner, holding a mug of tea, was Bill.

"You're alive." I state.

"You're also alive."

I move to the sink and grab a glass from the cupboard above. Luckily it wasn't too high so I picked the first one. Bringing down to the sink I started to fill the glass.

"I see you have been sleeping in my room. Again." Bill says, moving closer.

"We'll you mom is practically taking me prisoner. And yours is the only available. Why don't you come and sleep with me, like the last time. I mean like next to me."

Bill chuckles and shakes his head. He places his mug inside the sink. It's half empty.

"Why didn't you finish your tea."

"I have better things to do."

"Like what? Ignore me. I'm sure it takes a lot of effort." I huff.

"I wasn't ignoring you."

"Yeah, then why is this the first proper conversation we've had since I came back. You do know grunts don't count. Unless you are a dragon."I snicker.

"Y/N, I've been busy."


I turn away from Bill and start walking toward the staircase.

Bill places a from hand on my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

"Look, I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what, William?" I exclaim, emphasizing his full name, earning a wince from him. I was starting to get mad.

"The fact I came back, half dead, might I add, and the only person I could think of seeing was you. But guess what? You were too much of a puss to see me. I thought of you for ever second of that three weeks. Every second I was tortured. I even thought you would come and rescue me like my night in shining armor. Merlin? What was I thinking?" I started venting.

"After all, you are the oldest sibling with the most commitment issues."

" That's not fair! And who asked you to go on that mission anyway? No one! You just want to be a hero."

Bill had a tint of red anger on his face and ears. His chest was puffing up and down. We were practically nose to nose.

"Dammit, Y/N! I thought you died! Bloody hell. I thought you died! Do you know what's that like? I couldn't even go to work. You were constantly on my mind! I don't know what I would have done if you died."

"What?"I asked.

Where was this coming from?

"I should have told you before you left. I love you. I have since the moment I met you."
So Part 2,
I hope you guys enjoyed this one and I will be making a third and final part which will be posted soon. I might be a little smutty.

I will be doing some editing on this books so don't be alarmed, but I will continue to be writing chapters.

And thank you to
MissWolfstar97 for commenting and voting!!!!!!!!

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