Severus Snape- A nostalgic fairytale Part 1( requested)

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This if for AriesQueen_1204. Listen to the video.

——Severus sighed. He looked around his depressing chambers.

This was the worst part of his day. Absolutely loathed it. The abhorrent chitter chatter from his colleagues, probably wanting to know when he would quit , the revolting giggles from the pupils.

Though, deep inside, he knew it was something else.

Rather than hate, it was Severus' greatest fear.

He dreaded the sound of utensils clanging on the plates, the differently pitched laugher from the kids, talking about their day, the happiness exuding from them. The smells. The rich, salty smell of the gravy, the roasted smell of the meat, the warmth of the melted butter, and the saccharine smell of the rich, thick treacle tart.

Severus looked up at the dark stained wooden clock on the wall. He had a few minutes. Maybe he would take a walk before he had to face it all. Walks always calmed him down.

He slid off his bed and slipped his silky black robes over his thin frame.

Severus navigated his way through the tunnels that led out of the Slytherin common rooms. He has always despised the intricately laid out setting of the tunnels. Anyone could get lost, admittedly he still wanders down the wrong passage when he was deep in thought. It was even worse for the students. He would often have to do a head count before curfew to ensure that no one was lost and more than often would have to go on a rescue mission for them. Slytherins had it hard.

As Severus turned into a dark passage, one of his newly discover shortcuts, he heard something.

It was too far to identify. It just sounded like a low humming, maybe not mechanical.

Taken by curiosity, Severus' body moves in the direction before his brain could tell him otherwise.

As he moved closer the sound got amplifies. As to what it was, he couldn't place it.

Something stirred inside of him. It wasn't a sense of danger. Maybe a sense of comfort?

As he advanced, a eerily peculiar sensation washed over him. He could only assimilate it to the one he felt whenever he walked into the great hall. But, it just wasn't the same.

Now he could faintly make it out. It was words. Words stringed together. A song.

Then it came to him. Warm nostalgia.

The tune reminded him of something someone used to idly him. SHE would stare out the window, dreaming of the future, maybe about HIM. SHE would twirl  the long strands of her silky fiery red hair with her slender fingers, biting her lip.

The same person who caused it all.

The unwanted nostalgia.

The sad memories.

The cold heart.

The fear.

Severus picked up his pace, feet stumbling one in front of each other. He knew he his heavy footfalls would likely draw their attention. But he didn't care.

The singing got louder as he approached them.

I'm in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind
I'm already cursed

Severus bounded to the end of the passage and took a sharp right. His heart beat erratic, pounding against his chest almost painfully.

Every day we started fighting
Every night we fell in love
No one else could make me sadder...

The voice stopped. Severus halted.

What happened? Where did it go?

Severus' eyebrows knitted together.

He was still for a few minutes. Breathing softy, hoping the Voice could continue.

Five minutes went by and nothing.

Severus' heart clenched. It has been two long years since she left. Two long years of teaching.

As if snapped back into reality, Severus realized if he didn't start now, he would be late to dinner and would have to endure walking through the Great Hall by himself throwing the pupils attention onto himself. He hated when that happened.

Severus pulled out his want and said a spell in his mind. Immediately, the end of his wand lit up.


Severus sat down with a humph. His face blank. As usual, Dumbledore had a 'small' speech to make.

Then, dinner commenced.

Severus ate slowly, picking at his food like a bird. He never really ate for fun, he ate to survive. Why did he want to survive? He had to fulfill a promise.

His mind drifted to memories.

Lily looked out the window. She sat on the ledge, half her body turned towards Severus, the other facing the misty window. She was wearing her signature orange sweater and a Gryffindor scarf. Her bright eyes wide as she gazed into the courtyard, a slender finger twirled a lock of her fiery red hair.

She inhaled deeply.



"What do you think?"

"About what?"


Severus' heart sank. This was the third time this morning she had brought him up.

"He's Gryffindor."

"So am I."

Severus opened his mouth, then quickly closed it. Thinking carefully about what he should say.

"What do YOU think?" He asks, emphasize the 'you'.

"Well... he's interesting."

"Interesting is... interesting."

"Hmm...he's also aesthetically pleasing."

Severus looked down at his feet. His scuffed second hand shoes were shined the best he could manage.

"Lily, what are you looking at?"


Severus moved closer to the window, sure enough, in the courtyard, James Potter and his cronies were goofing around. He was smiling broadly, an arm around Black.

Severus knew he could never be like him. Well not Lily anyway.

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