George Weasley- I can't feel anymore

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I looked at the wall. The peeling of the yellowed paint framing the rectangular walls. The bed, just comfortable enough so that I didn't have to toss and turn, let out the occasional squeak from my weight. I laid on my left side staring at the wall. A cheerful DING was heard over the dull noise from downstairs, wafting into the room and playing in my mind like an echo.

It was busy today with the start of the school year, kids shopping around Diagon Alley, tempted by the wacky outer appearance of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Coming in and no doubt spending more than intended on pranking 'supplies'.

I shifted my position to stare up at the ceiling, the croaking of the bed filling the room. The same peeling number, but in white. The panels running across the ceiling were painted in alternating colours of red and gold.

The creak of the stairs alerting me someone was coming up. I readied myself for human contact and sat up, rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and took a deep breath. Ahead with fiery and fluffy orange hair poked through the doorway. The head turned to face me and smiled. George's twinkling eyes landing on me as he looked me up and down. He manoeuvred the rest of his body through the door, careful not to hit his head on the lintel. His smell permeated the room: the sweet smell of sweets, from handling the Canary Creams and the sweets for the Skiving Snack boxes, and the smell of explosives, no doubt from his little experiments.

'Hello there, darling. Were you waiting for me?' he teases, adding a wink, a suggestive tone in his voice.

I managed a weak smile and extended my hands forward and make grabby hands, desperately wanting to feel him.

George moved to the bed, his footsteps quiet, he leaned down and got into bed, his weight making the bed dip and groan as if in protest. He shuffled closer to my side and I moved my head to lay on his chest. His heartbeat sped up and I internally smiled.

'How are you feeling?' he said, worry clear in his voice. Vibrations travelling through his chest.

'I don't know,' I said truthfully, looking into my boyfriend's eyes.

I wasn't feeling myself today. This day, two years ago, both my parents were attacked by death eaters, both killed by the forbidden spell. They were on their way to the Department of Magic when they were ambushed, they didn't know what was coming. I was with the Order of the Phoenix at the time, in Grimmauld Place when I got the news. I didn't even have time to mourn them because I volunteered to do a mission for the Order. The same mission where George lost his ear.

When the war was over, George had lost his twin and had fallen into a deep depression. He couldn't even look into the mirror without seeing Fred. George had not eaten in days and refused to see people. Molly asked me to move in to help him, in the hopes that his friend could get him to open up. After a few months, George was finally back on his feet, he got back to his jokes and eventually reopened his store again.

My way of dealing with the grief of losing so many people in my life was to be there for George, to push aside my sadness and try to cheer him up, to take his mind off his brother and onto me. That how we fell in love. Our grief brought us together.

'Would you like anything?'


George ran his hand through my hair and sighed.

We sat there for fifteen minutes when I question arose in my mind.

'Who's looking after the store while you're up here?'

'Ron and Hermione.' He said.

I laughed thinking about that. Ron was probably being bossed around by Hermione. Even though they had huge personality differences they did make a good couple.

'Talk to me, babe.' George said into my ear.

'I don't know Georgie; I don't feel anything. I feel numb, I know I'm supposed to be crying or sad, but I don't feel a thing.' I said.

'I guess that sometimes happen. We get to a point when we can't cry anymore so we become emotionless. It will eventually fade away. It always will, I promise.'

'But what if it doesn't?' I asked

'Well, you have an amazing, smart and rather dashing boyfriend to help you.' He plainly stated. 'There will always be a help if you ask.'

A small smile forced its way to my lips.

'There's the beautiful smile I know.' George said.

I shook my head and buried my head deeper into his chest, his collar bone rubbing against my cheek. An idea came to my mind.

'You know, since you asked, I would like a massage, since you're offering.' I said, a coy smile playing on my lips.

'Anything for you missus.'



SO, thank you for reading, this was a bit of a short one and I lost my gumption halfway through so sorry about that.

But there might be a new story out today since I don't feel satisfied with this one.

Side note, I don't know if it's just me but Fred's death in the Deathly Hollows broke me the most. What about you guys?

Which death made you the saddest or made you cry the most?

I know I also cried a lot for Dobby's death because I mean who doesn't love Dobby. I loved the humour he brought into some scenes, he was so loyal.

Maybe I should do a chapter on the Harry Potter deaths?





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