Preferences- His and your nickname

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Sirius Black

What you call him:

Siri- Its short and cute.

Bubs/Bubba- Just cause.

Doggie-For obvious reasons: he like to transform into a black dog and cuddle with you or when you are mad at him, he would transform into a black dog and give you puppy eyes.

Puppy eyes- Even in human form, he gives you the best puppy eyes.

What he calls you:

Pup- Because you are like his little pup and he must protect you.

Kitten-It's a common assumption dogs and cats hate each other, so he calls you kitten because you both fight a lot, even though you guys make up pretty quickly.


Darling- He calls you this when he is being romantic, and, well he's British.

Hotstuff- He likes to flirt with you.

Remus Lupin

What you call him:

Rem/Remy-It's a shorter version of his name.

Bookworm-He loves reading, so when he would be very invested in a book and wouldn't pay you attention, you would call him a bookworm.


Love-He just need some love.

Fluffy- You like to acknowledge the lycan part of him, and you want him to know that even though once a month he becomes a violent, savage creature, he could never harm you.

What he calls you:

Darling- He is so sweet and British

Chocolate Supplier-You often surprise him with chocolate at the most random of times just to see him smile, he has a beautiful smile


Honey- He likes calling you Honey because it tells other people you are with him, sometimes his insecurities prevails when he sees you talking with other men/women

Severus Snape

What you call him:

Sevy- Just a cute version of his name.

Professor/ Sir- You like to tease him, not sexually of course, when he gets all high and mighty when you guys argue about Potions.

Snapey- Lol can you imagine calling him that, the look in his face.

Batman- He reminds you of the Muggle superhero when he storms away or walks rapidly towards you.

What he calls you:

My darling- Just a cute pet name.

Princess- You are his everything and he will do anything for his princess, he can't believe that someone would ever love him and thinks that you should be treated like royalty, hence, Princess.

Fred Weasley

What you call him-

Freddie- It's just such a cute nickname.

Weasley- When he pranks you and you get mad at him, you call him Weasley, which he absolutely hates because there are so many Weasleys out there.

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