Fred Weasley-Regrets

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Up to a certain point in life, I have never regretted anything.

I don't regret  going to Hogswart, because there I found my home.

I don't regret joining the quidditch team, because there I found a new sense of pride.

I don't regret the friends I made, because they became my family.

I don't regret sneaking out of the Gryffindor common rooms at one in the morning because that was when I met George.

I don't regret meeting George because through George, I met Fred

And I don't regret meeting Fred because I had met my soulmate.

But everyone has to have regrets, even if it was just one, after all, we are all human.

My regret, was my last.

I bounded through the corridor, blasts shaking the foundations of the school, making my steps unsteady.Chaos, so much chaos.

I turn sharply into a carpeted hallway, the sound of sweet laughter echoing down the narrow passage. Fred.

I approached the scene, Percy had a wide grin on his face, something that's was unfamiliar to me in the short time I had known him.

The familiar site of striking ginger hair caught my attention.

There he was, safe.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fred!" I called out.

He turned to me, wide smile, freckles popping out against his skin, dimples prominent. It was all still for a moment. Silence before the storm.

Then, it all happened in a flash.  A deafening sound was heard. White rubble flew everywhere, striking me in the chest, minuscule particles stinging my flesh.

Everything went still again. The ringing in my ears adding to the fogginess in my head.


No, no, no, no!

What remained of a wall, laid collapsed on the spot where Fred had been.

"Fred!" I shrieked, voice hoarse.


I collapse at the base of a mountain of alabaster ruins, body shaking with shock, heart clenched unbearably tight. Numbly unaware, tears started streaming down my face.

A sound, muffled by the buzzing in my ears, followed by a warm hand on my shoulder.

I could feel it wasn't Fred.


I fought with every ounce of might I possessed, draining my body, masking my emotions.

I was numb. No emotions or feeling passed through my head, maybe my consciousness, but not through my body.

I did not once blink as I killed all those death eaters, never once stop to wonder if they had a family, a loved one. It was like the humane part of my brain went into a paralysis.

But, before I knew it, it was all over.

The dark lord had been defeated, vanquished by Harry Potter.

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