Chapter Five: I'm Alive?!

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Guys I'm writing this at work because im bored enjoy.

After the events take place in the arena I decided that I wanted to take a small hike. There was this small cliff that I discovered once and I liked spending time there.

I walked through the village, up past the chiefs house and to the main trail that was there.

It was such a beautiful trail, the wind sweeping through the trees while the sun danced across the path. The sun was just beginning to set making the sun a more orangish color. The rays danced on my skin like a painting, I loved the way that the pine leaves let just enough light touch the ground for other life while still taking just enough for itself.

I take in a deep breath, I smell pine after I smell the dirt, and fresh water. I look to my left and see a fresh spring and decide to take a drink during my hike.

I crouch down noticing some sea slugs at the bottom of the creek and I question how they got so far into the island.

I dip my hand into the water when suddenly I'm pinned to a tree by large metal spikes. My breathing increased tenfold as I looked into deep violet eyes.

"Oh my thor, oh my thor." I whispered as the dragon approached me.

The dragon turned its head to the side to look me in the eyes and I thought my breathing stopped.
I don't know why but I felt like I could trust this dragon.

I felt a poke against my neck and realized that the dragon was trying to figure out what I was. This dragon looked it was made of metal, a horn the size of my torso sat at the front of its face. Its body was short having a long neck and an even longer tail.

"Amazing." I whisper in absolute awe.

The dragon gurgles and retrieved the spikes the size of my forearm from my clothes. I grunt as I hit the floor with a sudden thud but gasp when the dragon puts its head in my lap.

I touch its horn and I gasp at the coldness, it felt just like polished iron. The dragon purred and leaned more into my hand and I laughed.

"Everything I've even been taught was a lie." I say suddenly having the truth sink into my bones. "I'm sorry." I whisper and the dragon only purrs closing her violet eyes.

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