Chapter 15: You like him?

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My father stayed home the next morning as Astrid came with me to walk to the arena.

"I think I like Hiccup." She says to me and my eyes shoot over to her.

"You like him?" I ask hoping my voice didn't reveal how hallow I was feeling.

"Yeah, I like who he is now and how he's changed." That comment made me laugh.

"So you don't like him you like his image." I sneer and she looks at me in surprise.

"You like him too?" She asks me.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Kind of." She chuckles. "Wanna friendly fight for him?"

I shake my head; "Astrid you were born better than me in every single way. Asking a boy to choose between a lamb stew," I point to her. "Or a slice of bread," I point my hand at myself; "just isn't fair. Boys will always choose lamb stew."

"You never know! I've seen the way he looks at you."

"If he's looking at me a certain way then why do I have to fight you for him. Thor, Astrid is everything a competition to you? I don't want to fight! He loves you!" I exclaim. "I have no chance and the sooner I accept it the better." I huff before stomping away. Loki sure loves to mess with my life a lot huh?


I stand with Hiccup near the entrance of the arena since Astrid's parents wanted her near them. We listened as Stoick berated how the 'old' Hiccup was basically a nothing and how 'he was finally proud his son was a man.'

"He really makes it hard to respect him sometimes." I mumble while Hiccup adjusts his helmet behind me.

The two horned helmet was adorned to him by his father a couple nights ago, from what Hiccup told me his dead mothers breast plate was what it was made of. "You know I still can't over that you're basically wearing your moms boob germs." I tease and Hiccup just groans.

"I'm never living this down am I?" He asks me.

Our laughs only increase as I reply, "no, no you're not."

"Start finishing up Hiccup it's almost time!" Gobber calls out making a large frown form on the brunette's face.

"(Y/n)," Hiccup stares deeply into my eyes and I suddenly feel self conscious. "If anything happens, make sure they don't find Toothless, or Whiplash."

At the mention of our dragons names their images flood into my mind. Their eyes full of curiosity and trouble with their pranks; these dragons along with Hiccup have become more like my family rather than my friends. I would never let anything happen to them.

"You know I won't." I tell him and he smiles lightly while staring at my eyes, then my hair, then my cheeks and lips. "You'll never guess what I found out." I cough making his emerald eyes lock with mine.

"Astrid likes you." I tell him not caring if she wanted a secret. I'd rather him be taken from me sooner rather than later so I can get over it.

"What makes you say that?" Hiccups frown overtakes his face like he's conflicted about something.

"She told me." I said to him.

Hiccup sighs looking disappointed? No there's no way, he's most likely just in disbelief. He's also probably more focused on facing the largest dragon that's been captured in the village. The one I had caught on accident almost a year ago; the Monstrous Nightmare.

"Please be safe," I silently beg gripping onto his shoulders and pulling him into a hug.

"I'll try." He mumbles into my ear the horn of his helmet digging uncomfortably into the side of my head.

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