Chapter 8: Stop Trying to Die!

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I awoke early in the morning, no bad dream of me falling off of some unknown island, no axe murderer, I just simply woke up.
I didn't wait long to leave my bed quickly sliding on my ox skin boots that I lined with thin sheep wool to insulate during the winter.

My mind wasn't with me as I stood and grabbed a small barrel to fill with slugs. Many questions pertaining to the mysterious dragon that seemed to enjoy my company. The book of dragons told me most are female so that must mean she is part of that large number. I walk to my front door not bothering to look in the kitchen for any food since I really wasn't too hungry yet. Though to be safe a grabbed some dried ox meat and stuffed it into the small satchel I wore on my hip.

More questions plagued my mind later that morning as the sun further ascended into the sky. Did I want to fight dragons anymore? No, I don't think that I did. What about Astrid and my other friends? They wouldn't understand. They wouldn't be able to fathom how even though I just met this creature it somehow struck a cord. That she had the power to kill me in a single blow but didn't.

No. I don't think I'll ever be able to kill a dragon after this.

****** (I've given up on being fancy XD)******

The sun sat high as I knew I had about an hour maybe less before dragon training began. The dragon who's name I've been contemplating while hauling a very large, very heavy barrel of slugs for finally came into view.

As if she hear my thoughts her large head whipped toward me so fast I thought she'd get whiplash. But nope. The happy very trusting dragon trotted over to me nudging her horn into my stomach and I smile.

"I have something for you," I sing song and her head tilts to the side and my brain almost implodes. "Oh my gosh you're so adorable!" I gush letting go of the barrels and wrapping my arms around her neck. Though her attention was more drawn to the barrel behind me as she quickly ate the slugs I spent two hours finding and collecting. "What should I call you? I kinda feel bad just calling you her." I hummed the dragon nudging me till my back was against a rock before laying her head on my lap. The memory of her fast moving neck comes to mind and I look into her violet eyes. "How about Whiplash?" The dragon perks at my question and it was then I knew; tightening my hold on the dragons neck I smile widely. "Whiplash it is."

"You're late!" Gobber scolds.

My lungs were burning harshly, the feeling of the expanding and deflating felt like my lungs may be ripping. Hands gripping my knees tightly fingers swelling just slightly due to three miles I just ran down the mountain.

"Sorry" I take a deep breath in, "I fell asleep."

"Next time you decide that sleep is more important than this, just don't come." Gobber says grumbling to himself while wobbling down into the arena.

"Gobber I took an accidental nap that's not my fault!" I exclaim and he just rolls his eyes.

"Grab your gear before I change my mind." He grumbles and I hug him quickly.

"Thank you!" I squeal as I grab my long sword and shield.

I didn't really want to be here, in truth my mind was back in the opening of a forest where a silver dragon lay in wait. Whiplash and I took a long nap after playing around for what felt like hours. It's difficult being friends with a dragon when you live in a place hellbent on destroying them. But I'll smile and hold my head high and keep her as my secret till I can slip away one day.

The arena had wooden fences the reached toward the ceilings so high I could barely see the railing. Astrid and the group already in the depths of the wooden labyrinth waiting for my arrival. The arena itself was chilly from the excess shadow across the floor and I felt my skin tighten as goosebumps appeared.

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