Chapter 12: Like Cold Water

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The day the ships were meant to return I didn't go with Hiccup to the cove. He knows that my parents and I are closer than most, having most of my childhood being what every child dreams. My parents, albeit protective and possessive were decent parents. I'm allowed to pursue painting and use the money how I see fit.

I've never been ignored like Hiccup was, never had the unreasonable expectations Astrid had from her family. I was simply just me; just living on a tiny island with a dragon best friend.

Speaking of Astrid, I haven't seen her all week; as I sit on the dock my arms licking my legs to my chest I think. Over the past week I've spent a lot of time with Hiccup; researching, planning and building. Astrid has been over working herself once more, from what I know of her training she most likely been working with her axe.

Astrid was a strong girl, whatever weapon she decided she would master she did. Her most recent being the axe. I remember when she picked one up for the first time she didn't know what to do with it. Though over time and many tireless hours she got the hang of it. I'm almost certain she's just chucking her axe at imaginary targets only she can see.

My mind is drawn back seeing a silhouette in the fog and I quickly stand to my feet. One boat comes through the fog; half the mast blown off with a hole blown into the side. Half a shield stuck to the side of the sad small amount of planks, most of the village shoved onto the last ship back to here. Dragon sculpture showing proudly at the nose.

Stoick is the first to exit the boat and he pats my shoulder as he walks behind me to Gobber. I almost fall over from the sheer weight of the pat. I don't pay attention to him when he asks about Hiccup as I stand on my toes to see where my parents could be. I feel tears well in my eyes seeing both of my parents; granted rather rugged looking walk off the boat.

"Mom! Dad!" I shout running toward them at full speed.

They drop their equipment and grip onto me tightly as I reach their arms. I feel my mother's tears in my shirt while my father just tightly grips the back of my shirt. "I'm so glad you're okay," I cry.

My father kisses the side of my head before he stands up first. "Let's go home, it's been a long week." He looks to my mother who I'm sure just wants to go to sleep.

Walking to the house my father recounts the events of the boat trip; from my mother almost puking herself dead all the way to the dragon attack. A Monstrous Nightmare had made the first move before the others followed. It made me uncomfortable to hear how my father told me of his killing spree. My mother just walked silently beside my father, holding his hand and rubbing small circles between his thumb and forefinger.

"How's training been going?" My mother finally speaks and I look around my father to meet her eyes.

"It's been going well. Hiccup surprisingly has become the star of the show." I explain and my father looks down at me raising his eyebrow. "He's been taking down every dragon in the blink of an eye; not even Astrid has a chance to get close."

My father hums deeply and then smiles lightly "the boy is finally becoming a man."

"Dad you sound like a weird old guy." My father lets out a deep rumbled laugh before messing up my hair. "Gah-stop it!" I smack his hand from my hair and I hear my mom laugh.

"You're so grown up from when we last saw you." I stare at her blankly.

"Mom it's been a week," I sigh and she just smiles.

"I know, but somethings changed, you seem sure of yourself. Very mature."

"No. Not allowed, she's supposed to stay small for at least another couple of years!" My large father jokes picking me up by the waist harshly.

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