Chapter 11: What Felt Like Paradise.

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Once the complex measurements for Whiplash was made we left the dragons to themselves in the cove. That night Hiccup taught me in great detail how to properly build; although the metal was excruciatingly hot and my muscles felt overworked I was proud.

The saddle had turned out exactly how I'd drawn it, the leather braided and sewed down over and over again to make sure not a seam would come loose. I, with the help of one Hiccup attached metal handles to the front of the saddle to help me stay on the dragon.

"You should add a waist band, that way you don't face plant into another cove." Hiccup told me sarcastically while grabbing a tape measure.

"Yeah maybe." I chuckle as he motioned for me to hold my arms open at shoulder height.

Once again, the common occurrence of Hiccups body standing painfully close to mine is all I can think of. The way his fingers brush my shirt as he tightens the tape around my waist. His bright green eyes deep in concentration before writing the number on a piece of paper and smiling.

"Come on let's get this made." He tells me waving his hand and the piece of paper with it.

The entire night was spent in silent laughs and new jokes as we slave over leather and metal.

The next morning was filled with more giggles and laughter as Hiccup and I chased both of our dragons around the cove. The thin saddle I had helped make was held over my head as the sun danced over the whole scene. The humans chasing the dragons in a never ending game.

Hiccup then began attempting to fly on toothless but once he opened the flap he fell into the cove. This scene giving me cause to tease him the entire day which warranted my dragon throwing a pebble at me.

The day after that we were both flying; Hiccup had a rope tied around his ankle trying to keep the fin open in the air but failing as they crashed in a field. "Are you okay?" I ask hurriedly picking Hiccup from the ground and he dusted himself off. Quickly going to find Toothless I turn around to see my dragon rolling around in the grass. Hers and Toothless's purrs heard from across the fields.

Hiccup took a sample of the grass and later that day calmed the raging Groncle into tame-ness. I smiled more to myself rather than anything about how much the person I had grown close to. Hiccup, and I had so much in common.

Through the days we talked animatedly of our favorite book adventures and compared drawings. Toothless having recently entered my sketchbook as well as Whiplash during our down times.

"Hey have you ever tried scratching his chin?" I ask Hiccup after we narrowly escaped the groups questioning.

"No?" He says though it comes more as a question before quickly taking his nails to Toothless' scales.

I scratch lightly on Whiplash's horn my second hand scratching under her chin. My hand kept going further and turned into the scratching; the entire cove was filled with pleasant grumbles from both animals. Then as if I had hit a nerve Whiplash fell to the ground completely asleep. "Interesting." I sat looking up at Hiccup to see an also very asleep Nightfury. We both chuckled lightly before bringing our sketch books out.

That day during training I came face to face with a Deadly Nadder; my best friend coming to my rescue with an axe over her head caught the attempt said dragon. Quickly I began to work forcing my nails to scratch the skin of the neck quickly moving to scratching the chin. Once the Nadder had half lidded eyes I scratched the nerve and the dragon fell forward, completely asleep. It was then I noticed how large the crowd for the arena had grown.

One night in the Great Hall I sat next to Astrid as it had been a while and Hiccup and I agreed to try and be less suspicious. Though once Hiccup had sat down he was bombarded with questions. How did he do it? How was he able to get them down? All the boy could do was smile and nod. Astrid though wasn't having it and slammed her cup onto the table.

"Astrid calm down it isn't that big of a deal." I tell her.

"East for you to say you don't have anything important you actually have to live up to." She snaps and I flinch at her words.

"I'll leave you alone then." I say before walking and sitting beside Hiccup.

All the days following for the rest of the week Hiccup and I learned more than we could ever imagine from the dragons, Tuffnut got attacked by the smallest dragon on earth, and Astrid was avoiding me. Using all of her time to train in the wood so I took an alternate route to the cove to avoid her confrontation and or being followed.

"Astrid almost caught me." Hiccup said casually while attaching his completely modified saddle with a foot pedal and everything.

"What?!" I exclaim. "Didn't I tell you about the alternate route?" I whisper.

"No. And why are we whispering?" He asks me back in a whisper.

"I don't know." I say in a normal voice. "I'll tell you the route later, for now." I begin before straddling myself onto Whiplash's back and hooking myself on. "Let's fly."

I know it's short but with a lot of time skips it's hard to produce a well thought out and detailed chapter. But next chapter is definitely going to be longer but I'm off to bed. Goodnight my readers <3 if you wish to ask Q&A questions comment on the last chapter.

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