Second Book Information.

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This is not a chapter of my story; this chapter is simply informational containing very important information about the second book.

Hello you guys and welcome. After two years I've finally finished this book in a way that I can feel proud of it. At the moment no I will not by writing for Race to the Edge. I may come back to it later but with how my life is right now I do not have the proper time or energy to put into a commitment like that. Which brings me to my next topic: the second book.

I will be rewriting the second book to the way I want and there will be a third book but there's just one thing. The book(s) will be rated Mature. I will be adding stronger language since in the second and third movies they are in their twenties and I'm eighteen and cuss like a sailor. Second there will be sexual chapters in the second and third book(s). They will be pretty much separated from the story so much to the point you could skip them entirely and understand what's going on in the book.

I will put warnings the chapter before and the chapter of. I will put an emoji next to the chapter title so if you're uncomfortable reading this type of content you don't have to. I will not tolerate my book being reported for being inappropriate after having put the correct warnings and someone random. (Not you guys I know that if you don't want to read it you won't.) getting my book and or account taken down because of this. The other books will be longer as more original ideas come into play.

I hope you all enjoyed this book and I'll see you in the next one. You'll be able to find the second book on my account: @Christie300

I love you all <3

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