Chapter 9: A Calm Time

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Even though all my body wanted to do was sit down I forced my legs forward. With nobody home all I wanted was company with someone who wasn't completely annoying.

Holding my arms crossed over my chest I breathe deeply calming down from the yelling I had just done. I really didn't mean what I said and regretted every word; I remember what it was like to have absolutely nobody in your corner. Then bringing the fact his dad doesn't trust him was really messed up.

Groaning I bring my hand to my face and pinch the bridge of my nose. Jaw tightening I reach the small clearing surrounded by trees with a river I filled with slugs five paces away. Whiplash laying in the sun quirks her head to me before barreling over and I feel a smile overtake my face.

"You're the only one who understands." I sigh testing the waters by climbing slowly into her back.

I really just wanted to be able to lay face down on her scales and calm the heat of my face. Whiplash, the poor trusting thing she is had no problems letting me just lay face down; arms and legs spreading down her sides feeling her breathe in and out.

I twist and lay back to hers, her scales lightly digging into my skin lightly and I feel my muscles relax as I groan.

"That feels amazing." I sigh a tear of relief flowing from my eye.

Whiplash only purrs as she stands expanding her wings in a large stretch before walking towards the river.

The sky held many hues of pink and purple, the subtle blend making the clouds in the sky look more like a painting rather than seeing something in real life. I let my mind then wander to the thought of being able to fly. What would the wind feel like? What does freedom feel like? How does the water look? I wonder.

"Whiplash?" I inquire to the above average intelligence dragon who's face is now in front of mine. I move my legs straddling the base of her neck my bottom sitting at the apex where her wings meet. "What's it like to fly?" I ask her.

The Razorwhip looks to the sky in contemplation before opening her wings and my eyes widen. "Wai-" I begin to say but before I could the dragon was already in the air.

I leaned down quickly and wrapped my body around her neck. My breathing was rapid as I closed my eyes tightly feeling her wings force the both of us high into the sky. The heartbeat in my chest  increasingly became more rapid and I wanted to cry out in shock but couldn't.

Suddenly Whiplash straightened out and I opened one of my eyes shocked to see I was right next to a cloud. I sat up slowly and looked around, the entire sky was lit by the setting sun. Pink, orange and purple covered the expanse of the sky.

My lungs strained from the thin air but I was smiling so wide I didn't even realize that Whiplash was looking at me. A weight lifted off of my shoulders two tears falling from my eyes smiling into the wind.

"This is amazing!" I scream at the top of my lungs holding my arms at my side.

Whiplash purrs and I feel her turn around back to where we originally were seeing that the sun was almost completely set.

Landing on the ground I jump and roll onto the ground giggling to myself. "Oh! I gotta make a saddle with some handles! That'll make that easier!" I shout jumping up ignoring the pain between my legs and jogging in place my adrenaline to skyrocket and then I came to a realization that made me want to cry. "Damn I don't know how to build anything." I cry out holding my palms to my eyes and falling onto my sore bottom on the floor.

But Hiccup does, my brain tells my and I groan aloud. "Crap." I'm going to have to trust him to build this. I could always threaten him inadvertently, no I can't do that. I could apologize with food. Bingo.

"Gotta go Whiplash bye!" I shout quickly while jumping up speed walking out of the clearing no doubt leaving the dragon very confused.

Over the next couple of hours I made a complete mess of my kitchen leaving wetted flour all over the floor but the bread looked perfect. "Okay let's do this." I whisper to myself while changing my destroyed shirt for another exactly the same.

Walking to the metal shop where I knew Hiccup stayed late at night having overheard many conversations with Gobber I felt nervous. I knew that no amount of bread could ever make my apology worth more after what I said about his father. I knew I shouldn't have said that and I felt ashamed that my anger had taken control.

Opening the door to the shop I saw Hiccup slaving over a piece of paper drawing intensely. Sneaking up behind him I noticed fin designs and detailed drawing of a black dragon that I had never seen before. The dragon looked cute from what Hiccup had drawn; large wide eyes with variation of a gummy smile or growling teeth. Looking down to what the boy was drawing I see he's using detailed measurements for a saddle. I open my mouth inaudibly.

"What are you doing?" I ask and Hiccup jumps out of his skin trying to cover the paper with his hands. "Oh don't bother with that I've seen all of it." I tell him and his face drops his face going pale. "I brought you bread." I hand him the large loaf of bread I spent most of the night making. "As well as an apology. I'm sorry for what I said in the arena early today; I should not have said what I said and I deeply regret it." I told a wide eyed looking Hiccup who looked like his brain might explode. "It might help if I tell you I'm also hiding a dragon." I tell him and his mouth opens.

"What?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I found a Razorwhip like a week ago; which is actually why I came here I need a saddle." I say bluntly and then suddenly his eyes light up.

"I found a Nightfury." My jaw dropped at the statement.

"What?! You mean the one you shot down?!" I shout and he quickly comes close covering my mouth shushing me.

I feel myself become aware of how close we were; his chest was brushing against mine with every breath he made. I was painfully aware of his bony hips pushed near my thicker wider set ones. All I could smell was him, the pine, the metal and now a new smell that since I've discovered his secret could only be dragon fire. I could feel my head growing lighter and I wanted to smile from being so comfortable like this. But because I of course can't leave anything alone I opt instead to lick his hand.

"Ew!" He exclaims backing away from me.

"Sorry for being loud." I apologize once again and Hiccup just looks at me his green eyes scanning if I have ill intent.

"You said you need a saddle for your Razorwhip?" He looks over his shoulder at the loaf of bread and the Nightfury measurements.

"If you please could." I say to him making him look toward me once again.

"I'll need the measurements."

"I'm sure Whiplash won't mind." I say.


"Yeah that's what I named her."

"Very creative." He compliments.

"Does your Nightfury have a name?" I question lightly.

"Toothless." He tells me leaning back against his desk his hands resting at the sides.

"Where'd you come up with that?"

"He has retractable teeth." He tells me and I feel like my eyes have stars in them.

"That's amazing!" I clap as Hiccup chuckles.

"Yeah, so do you want to meet Toothless and I'll meet Whiplash?" He asks me.

"Yeah I like that plan." I say.

"Okay, do you remember that cove we all used to play in over by raven point?" Hiccup asks me.

"Yeah we used to go all the time." I tell him.

"That's where he is, he can't fly so you'll have to come to me."

"Alright so tomorrow before training?" I ask.

"Sounds like a plan." He says calmly.

"Yay! Whiplash will be so excited." I say before hugging him tightly and running out of the shop.

Though on the way back to my home without a loaf of bread all I could think of was that close moment between us.

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