Chapter One: Ice Island.

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"This looks beautiful thank you." The couple days to me as I hand them the painting of their wedding that just now dried two days later.

"Of course, it was a magical experience." I said as they handed me three golden coins.

Weddings were truly magical in my opinion, I loved the way that the sash represented the two souls becoming one. That two people who had chosen each other had been able to fully commit to one another. Maybe one day that luxury could be mine but I don't think that day is coming anytime soon.

I began walking back to the village square, the small rocks crunching under my boots. I don't know why but I loved the sound that it makes each step I take to the dirt. The air smelled of fresh lavender and pine trees, though the cold nipped at my face but I loved living here. This island, with my parents and all of my friends.

"(Y/n)!" I turn to the sound of rapid crunching behind me only to be crashed into by the person who'd called my name.

"Astrid!" I shouted seeing her blonde braid next to me as she stood up.

"Sorry I slipped!" She laughed and held her hand out to me.

"It's fine." I assure her and use her help to stand up.

"So do you think that there's going to be another attack tonight?" Astrid asks.

"It's been raining all week, this is the first time I've seen the sky today." I told her. "If they do we'll all be ready, but honestly I hope they don't."

"You're so weird." She tells me with an elbow to my side.

"I'm sorry I feel guilty for killing off an animal with no food sources." I say sarcastically.

"Well at least you can actually kill one, you're not like Hiccup who can't even land a single blow to one." She laughs.

"Nobody's even giving him a chance, and if I remember correctly you all thought I was so weak until I caught that Monturous Nightmare." I say while turning my head towards her.

"T-that's different." She says her cheeks heating in embarrassment.

"You know I've long since forgiven you calm down." I tell her throwing my arm over her shoulder.

It's true that about a year ago other than Hiccup I was the laughing stock having not proved to everybody what I could do yet. Until I shot down a monstrous nightmare and the rest is history. Astrid is now my best friend who I can count on to do anything with and for me. I hope I'm the same to her.

"How's they like the painting?" She asks changing the subject.

"They loved it as always, I really love seeing their faces." I say staring up to the blue sky. But it seemed different with white clouds rather than gray ones. "How do you think rain works?" I ask her and she shrugs.

We're on the outer rim of the village when she answers my question. "I don't know find a book about it you always do." And I laugh at her true statement.

The village was alive the smell of hot iron mixing with bread was a normalcy. Loud pounding sounds from the leather workers beating the material to their will. Builders whacking nails into rooftops, finishing the repairs from the last dragon attack. The large staircase the the great hall was visible to my right the stone buildings torches relit after the heavy rains.

The houses of the village stood tall, they looked almost like tepees with the roof coming almost all the way down to the floor so the rain wouldn't get into the houses.

"This is my stop." Astrid said pointing to her house to the left of us.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I wave to her.

"Or tonight!" She sings.

"Stop wishing for an attack!" I whisper  to her and she just winks at me before slamming her front door.

I roll my eyes and sigh continuing down the noisy steps to my house, people yelling at their screaming children, men yelling at slow workers. And wives calling their husbands in for dinner.

My house was smaller than most, my parents were only able to have me. The healers told her that having another child would be life threatening. So I'm the miracle baby, and my entire family never fails to remind me.

"Mom, Dad? I'm home!" I shout.

"In here (Y/n)!" I hear my father shout to me.

I walk to the kitchen to see my mother already had dinner prepared and my father was cleaning the family sword.

This sword was made from a rare ore my ancestor found long ago, it was engraved with my family seal in the middle which consisted of a blooming flower that had two swords in the shape of an X behind it. That symbol was supposed to represent good luck in your battles, and to bring you strength. Vines stemmed from the flower all over the sword making it the most decorated but dangerous sword I know.

"So how was the painting?" My mother asked me.

"Like all the others." I smile.

"That's wonderful." She says to me and my father just nods while scarfing down his plate of food.

My parents were an unlikely couple, my mother was so short and petite, while my father stood as tall (a little taller in my opinion) than our chief and worked himself as a warrior. But they fit, they loved each other and that's all that really matters in the end.

It matters that you love who you're with.

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