Chapter 16: Fight for Your Life

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Lordie we're already so close to the end of the book. I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate all of you for the support of this book. A lot of frustrated tears and editing till one in the morning has ensued. I love you all more than you know <3


Being completely helpless while two of your best friends are carried out to sea knowing they'll die is the hardest thing in the world to process. Hiccup and I stood together watching over the expanse of the ocean knowing none of them would return.

"It's a mess." I heard Astrid say and all I could do was scoff.

"Yeah, I'd think since we lived it we know," I say with a small bite to my tone.

"You must feel horrible," she says now speaking mostly to Hiccup. "You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend." She says slightly sarcastic and I just stand there, my arm beginning to sting as the numbing was wearing off.

"Thank you for summing that up," Hiccup said sarcastically moving a couple paces away from her. "Gah- why couldn't I have killed that dragon when I first saw him in the woods?" Hiccup asks mainly to himself clearly not wanting an answer. "Would've been better for everyone."

"Yup, the rest of us would've done it." I cough loudly after her statement and all she could do was stare at my bandages. "So why didn't either of you?"

"She could've killed me before I even realized it." I chuckle thinking of our first encounter which ended with her head in my lap.

"Why didn't you?" She asks Hiccup more seriously.

"I don't know, I couldn't." He shrugs turning away from her and motioning for me to follow.

"That's not an answer." She says to him grabbing onto my right shoulder as I pass.

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?" He asks getting agitated.

"Because I want to remember what you say. Right now." She says her voice monotonous.

"Oh for the love of- I was a coward! I was weak! I wouldn't kill a dragon!" He shouts.

"You said wouldn't that time." She points out.

"Oh! Gh- whatever! I wouldn't! Three hundred years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon!" He turns his body away from her his mind probably on the image of Toothless being carried away.

"First to ride one though." I say and he stares at me. "Well properly anyways. Im pretty sure I was the first but I almost fell off like three times." Hiccup face palmed while Astrid just chuckled.

"So?" Astrid asked him and his face once again turned serious as he faced her.

"I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was," Hiccup told her almost smiling at the old memory. "I looked at him and saw myself."

"I bet he's really frightened now." Hiccup nods at her statement.

"I feel so guilty; Whiplash couldn't  understand why they were doing that." I whisper as Astrid rubs my shoulder.

"What are you guys gonna do about it." Astrid asks the both of us.

"Eh probably something stupid." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Good. But you've already done that." Astrid told us.

"Then something crazy." Hiccup says pointing at both of us.

"That's more like it." Astrid smirks grabbing my right hand and running.

"I hate running." I groan as we run off the dock.


Later as we all stand in the arena I was being bombarded by all of my friends about my bandages.

"Is literally nobody noticing Hiccup bring out a dragon?" I ask pointing to Hiccup bringing out a now calm Monstrous Nightmare.

Everyone then quickly turned their attention to what he was doing. They were all on edge fidgeting nervously as the dragon slowly approached the group. Snotlout leant down to pick up the tip of a spear but I kicked his arm.

"No." I said calmly while looking ahead at the very magnificent dragon.

Hiccup brings the dragon forward as he walks on all fours having no problems being in Hiccups presence. Hiccup then grabs onto Snotlout's arm and begins to pull his hand toward the snout where his hand lay. "Wait! What are you?!" Snotlout panicky lightly startling the dragon.

"It's okay, it's okay." Hiccup says mainly to Snotlout as he replaces his small hand for Snotlout's larger one. The reaction is immediate as the dragon begins to purr looking toward Snotlout who begins to laugh nervously. "Where are you going?!"

Hiccup walks towards a small open crate at the wall of the arena while pulling out a rope. "I think you'll need something to hold onto." His arm motioning to the array of dragons that stand at the wall. Al calm and eager to help Hiccup who had given them food earlier.

"I still think you should stay behind." I hear Hiccups voice behind me and I only chuckle as I approach the very loving Groncle.

"You know I won't, not with her and Toothless on the line." I smile at him and he looks at me worriedly.

"(Y/n) a lots happened to you the last couple of days."

"Things happen Hiccup, I'm not leaving Whiplash alone and scared because I need a 'break'. I don't need a break Hiccup I need Whiplash." I say determinedly and stubbornly climbing onto the Groncle despite my burns rubbing through the bandage. "Now are we going or not?"

Hiccup looks up at me sitting on the Groncle; who is a very adorable rock lover by the way and sighed. "I can't ever convince you to do anything can I?"

"Unfortunately not boob head now lets go." I say valiantly while pointing at the sky.

"I really hoped you would've forgotten about that." He groaned.

"Nope, to me you're forever boob head. Why are we waisting time?! Fishlegs!" I shout and the young boy runs up to me.

"Y-yes?" He stutters looking at my arm.

"Ignore the bandages, hop on let's go." I say and he looks nervously at Hiccup who just motions for him to climb on. "Adventure time!" I shout as we soon fly off toward danger, soon to be the fight of our life.

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