Chapter Four: A Doctor?!

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I will be uploading once or twice a day :)

The ground sounded almost wet under our feet from the stone being so smooth and worn. The air smelt of burning metal and reeked heavily with the smell of fish.

My friends and I all silently looked around trying to get an understanding of possible dodging areas and what we could use to defend ourselves.

"I hope I get some serious burns." I hear Tuffnut say from behind me.

"I'm hoping for some mauling, like on the shoulder and lower back." Ruffnut replies, I will never get those two.

"Yeah it's only fun if you get a scar out of it." Astrid says winking towards me.

"Yeah no kidding right?" We all turn around the the sarcastic voice. "Pain, love it." Hiccup says dully.

"Oh great who let him in?" Tuffnut sneers.

"Let's get started!" Gobber shouts walking into the arena after closing the door to the entrance. "The recruit who does best will get the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village." Gobber says holding up his hook and twisting it for emphasis.

"Hiccup already killed a Nightfury so does that disqualify him or..?" Snotlout says while the twins laugh.

"Can I be transferred to the class with the cool Vikings?" I hear Tuff ask from my left.

"You guys are being a little unreasonable." I tell them and they just stick their tongues at me. "Got it." I tell them rolling my eyes as we all stand in a line.

"Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight." Gobber tells us while wobbling in front of the doors. "The Deadly Nadder." Gobber says lowly to intimidate us.

"Speed eight armor sixteen." I hear Fishlegs say aloud.

"The Hideous Zippleback." Gobber introduces.

"Stealth eleven times two." Fishlegs states factually.

"The Monstrous Nightmare." Gobber throws his arms to the rattling door.

"Firepower eighteen." Fishlegs says slowly growing more excited.

"The Terrible Terror." Gobber says slowly.

"Attack eight venom twelve!" Fishlegs basically shouts.

"Can you stop that?!" Gobber scolds at him approaching the last door slowly.

"And, the Groncle." Gobber says slowly while grabbing the lever to the cage.

I tense and grab the hilt of my sword to the point I see my knuckles go white.

"Jaw strength eight." I hear Fishlegs whisper to Hiccup.

"Woah, woah wait! Aren't you going to teach us first?" Snotlout exclaims.

"I believe in learning on the job." Gobber says as he pushes down the lever to open the cage.

The Groncle bursts open the cage doors before they can even fully open, most likely desperate to see sunlight.

"Today is about survival." I hear Gobber say as we all run in different directions as the dragon flew to our group.

"If you get blasted." I hear Gobber say as the Groncle begins to eat rocks, it's main source of fire. "You're dead." He says and then notices the dragon finishing its meal. "Quick what's the first thing you're going to need?!" Gobber shouts.

"A doctor?!" Hiccup shouts.

"Plus five speed?!" I hear Fishlegs scream.

"A shield!" Astrid states while crouching down and keeping her eye on the dragon.

"A shield! Go!" Gobber shouts and we all run for it.

My hands are shaking as I pick up the tense wood. I don't care about the print I just need this on my arm.

I didn't expect Gobber to immediately open the doors, I'm terrified. I know Gobber would never let anything happen but my brain won't escape flight mode. It wants my body away from this action and I don't blame it.

I can hear my heart beating in my ears as I force myself to run near my closest friend. We stand back to back our weapons unsheathed by our sides.

"Oh thor, oh thor." I whisper.

"(Y/n) get a grip!" Astrid says slamming her head into mine and finally I can hear the chaos around the arena.

"Those shields are good for another thing! Noise, make lots of it! Throw off a dragons aim." Gobber says and the rest of us immediately start smacking our weapons against our shields. It creates a loud but dulled sound.

We all begin separately running around the dragon while hitting our weapons to our shields. The Groncle was reacting by shaking its head and clawing near its ear but not shooting.

"All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Groncle have?" Gobber asks.

"Four?" Snotlout asks while holding his shield over himself.

"No seven!" Fishlegs shouts raising his shield which catches the Groncles attention.

"That's right! That's enough for each of you." Gobber states and then we all pause after Fishleg's shield gets blasted.

"Fishlegs. Out." Gobber says to which the young Viking doesn't hesitate to throw his arms up run towards the door.

"Hiccup get in there!" Gobber shouts at the young Viking who was just hiding behind a wooden plank board.

"So anyway I moved into my parents basement." I hear Snotlout say behind me and I roll my eyes. I stop as I see that he attracted the Groncle with his voice and I quickly ducked out of the way next to Astrid and Hiccup. "You should come by sometime to work out, you look like you workout." Snotlout finished right as his shield got blasted.

"Snotlout your done!"

"Well looks like it's just us three." Hiccup says looking at the both of us.

"Nope just us two." Astrid says as she and I duck away from the Groncle who blasted him.

"Two shots left!" Gobber calls as Hiccup chases his shield.

"Hiccup!" Gobber shouts and I notice the Groncle chasing him into a corner. The Groncle had its mouth open reader to fire once Hiccup either fell or just stopped moving.

I start sprinting over to Hiccup, I don't know why but I do. I know that no matter how bad people may look at him they night actually care. He curls up against the wall and as the Groncle shoots I slide in front of him and let my shield take the hit.

"Are you okay?!" I shout at him.

"Uh-uh yeah." He says completely in shock that I'd come to his aid.

I notice the Groncle preparing its final shot and force mine and hiccups head under the shield when I feel the blast to the left of us.

"And that's seven." I hear Gobber say to himself.

I remove my shield and quickly stand up to see Gobber hooking the mouth of the Groncle, who was growling and trying to eat his hand. "Oh go back to bed you overgrown sausage." Gobber shouts throwing the dragon into its cage.

"You'll get another chance don't you worry." Gobber says walking over to the rest of us. "Remember a dragon will always," he turns to Hiccup. "Always. Go for the kill." He tells us, but I feel it was more to Hiccup.

"Why did you even save him anyways?" Tuffnut asked me.

"I have no idea." I answer honestly.

Quick A/N: I hope you all are enjoying the revised version of my story. I'm loving the slow burn so far, anyways you guys know I love reading and responding to your comments and thank you so much for reading.

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