Chapter 13: My Troubles Begin

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Morning quickly came and my parents were completely refreshed after sleeping all night. The table was filled with laughter and small stories as my mother made lamb and bread for breakfast.

"You ready for the choosing to happen today?" My father asks me while taking a bit of bread, a loud crunching echoing across the room.

"Yes and no," I respond and my parents look at me. "I'm not going to be in the ring because I didn't make the top two in the class but I'll be cheering my friends on."

"Friends?" My mother questions with a smug smile on her face.

I roll my eyes and her which lead to my father pinching my arm. "Be respectful." He scolds and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Hiccup and I," I hesitate trying to figure out how to word this. "Have separated our differences and realized that we have a lot in common." I tell them nodding my head while placing a slice of meat on my bread and taking a large bite. Both of my parents look at one another and give each other a look.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing." They smile which makes my eyes roll.

"We should get going soon," I tell them seeing the amount of people heading to the arena from our window.

"Let's head over now." My mother tells us while taking the plates away from the table.

My father pats his stomach before standing with a loud groan, his hands stretch above his head and cracking heard from his back. "Let's head out!" He shouts as I'm already standing at the door.

"Ma hurry up!" I shout a small giggle forming on my lips.

My father came to stand by the door with me as we waited for my mom to finish her last minute cleaning. If every inch of our house isn't clean before we leave then we can't go anywhere.

"(M/n) come on we'll miss it!" My dad groans nudging my elbow lightly.

Suddenly a crash and a thump sound from the kitchen and my father bolts from beside me to the kitchen. "(M/n)!" My father shouts and my feet finally move to find the two of them.

My mother lay on the floor broken plate in her hand, dark red leaking from her nose and ears. "Mom?" I cover my mouth and my father whips his head to me.

"(Y/n) I need you to go get help." I nod at my fathers words to in shock to realize he had picked up her lifeless body. Her skin was so pale and blue lines worked their way up her face.


I sit in the cove hugging onto Whiplash's horn silent tears streaming down my face. "Why her? She didn't do anything." I sob as Windshear nudges further into me Toothless right beside her.

We caught Gothi right after she had chosen somebody; she used Gobber to explain that my mother hit her head too hard. That it broke her head and she slowly bled to death. As much as this hurts I don't blame the dragons for her death. My father explained someone had elbowed her in the nose which caused her to fall and smack her head on a mallet.

"You always have to do everything just right huh mom?" I wail holding Whiplash and rubbing Toothless' head under the shade of a tree.

Later in the day Whiplash had flown off to go and find some food and I let Toothless go and take a nap. Sitting atop my favorite boulder I watch as the wind calmly moves the surface of the water.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my voice monotone hearing the footsteps of my supposed to be friend.

"You and Hiccup are hiding something." Astrid says bluntly and I turn around to face her gauging her reaction.

"You're just mad someone might actually be better at something than you and you hate it." I sneer which causes her to flinch; I jump from my position and face her directly. "I wonder when you'll realize there's more going on than what's happening to you." I criticize while she hangs her head down.

"My mothers dead." I spit still not fully processing the information myself as I once again begin to cry. "She's dead, she was fine one minute and now she's dead." I sob covering my eyes with the bottom of my hand.

"(Y/n)-" her voice is full of sympathy as she puts her hand on my shoulder and I cringe away.

"Jus-" I sigh. "I don't want sympathy, I don't want hugs, I don't want I'm sorry I just need my friend Astrid!" Wiping under my eyes she motions for the top of the boulder.

We sat and discussed how her life has been after her anger outbursts. She explained to me that she felt embarrassed that Hiccup had surpassed her so quickly and how her family was harassing her about it. I fed her a lie that I had been training Hiccup how to fight. I explained how close we had gotten through all of this and how he really wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. I talked about his humor and how determined he really was; I talked about my mother's death and how quickly it had all happened.

"How's your dad?" She asks me using a rock to sharpen her axe.

"A mess." I respond rubbing my forehead and pinching the bridge of my nose. "It just all happened so fast."

"Was she in any pain?" Astrid inquired.

"No, just really tired." I sigh and she nods.

"Toothless, we're leaving. Let's pack up and wait for (Y/n); we're all taking a vacation. Forever."

Astrid quirks her eyebrow to me and I shrug feeling my anxiety skyrocket.

Hiccup sighs opening up a latched basket and adjusting his gear. Looking up he suddenly jumps out of his skin seeing his best friend and crush sitting atop a rock. Quickly looking around to see whether Whiplash or Toothless are visible he completely gives himself away.

"I already know your little secret." Astrid tells him and his face goes white.

"I-uh." He laughs, "what?" He asks.

"That (Y/n) has been training you." Astrid said suddenly suspicious. Dammit Hiccup keep your mouth shut!

Hiccup awkwardly laughs while scratching the back of his head causing me to slam my palm against my forehead.

Astrid jumps down from the rock and begins berating Hiccup with questions about our training. With inconsistent evidence Astrid backs him into a corner; though he made the stupid mistake of putting her hand on his chest. I heard the crack of his wrist ring through the air as he fell to the floor.

"Ah! Why would you do that?!" He shouts.

"That's for the lies," she states and stares at him for a second before dropping her axe handle onto his stomach forcing him to make a sound. "And that's for everything else," She sneers.

"Was that necessary?" I ask her and she curtly nods.

My senses suddenly spring awake as I hear Toothless awake from his nap. Astrid looks into the dark only to see Toothless charging toward her and Hiccup.

"Get down!" She gasps before forcing Hiccup to the ground. "Run!" She shouts twisting her body with the axe and I dive off the rock crashing into her body and into the ground; the air quickly forced from my lungs.

"No!" I shout while sliding her axe far away from the anxious dragon.

Catching my breath on the ground I hold onto my side as Hiccup introduces Astrid to Toothless.

"You scared him." Hiccup told her.

"I scared him?!" She shouts causing Toothless to growl. "Who is him?"

"Uh- Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid." Hiccup states gravely as the dragon lowly growls to her. The blonde shakes her head slightly before running off in the opposite direction.

"Duh, duh, duh we're dead." I wheeze seeing Whiplash fly back down into the cove.

"Uh-uh, where do you think you're going?" Hiccup asks Toothless whom was walking away very briskly.

"Oh dear Thor." I mumble mounting Whiplash's saddle and shooting into the air with Hiccup.

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