Sword Art Online

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I was greeted by an introduction screen when I appeared in a dark room.

I'm prompted with a screen asking me for my username. I proudly insert (U/N)

I use that username in pretty much everything.

After I hit confirm, I customize my character and load into the world.

SAO was a big contrast to my darkroom. The sun beamed down onto my skin as I felt like I could feel the heat of it but it was my head playing tricks on me.

I was in a big plaza and the name of the town was "the town of beginnings,"

"(Y/N)," Max calls out as I turn around to see a kid a little taller than me...Max in real life was a good couple of inches shorter than I was

"When did you get so tall?" I ask him as he laughs

"Maybe when I became Silmmreaper," he says with a cheesy grin

"That's what? Your 100th different username?" I ask him as he investigates mine

"(U/N)....couldn't think of anything better?" He asks me

"Much rather stick to one so that people know me across games," I fire back as he thinks.

"You see...that doesn't work for me...remember that time in GTA when we were about to finish that final heist to get the Criminal Record Challenge...and then I killed myself...yea I don't want anyone to recognize me as that guy," Max says as I nod my head.

He has a point, Max does some stupidly dumb stuff in games.

"Where are our classmates?" I ask him as his face reddens

"About that," he whispers

"About what?" I ask a little annoyed

"That was a bluff to get you in," he finally says as I look at him in a plain face

"Your joking," I mutter

"I'm not," he says itching the back of his head.

"I'm out," I mutter as I go to hit the log out button

"Wait, wait! You're already here, so why not play it!" He says before I got a chance to hit the button.

"I've already gone out of my way to do this, so I guess why not," I grumble as he leaps in joy.

"Ok, let's head out of town and attack a slime or something," he excitedly says.

"Ok," I say as I look in my inventory. I saw a Longsword and equipped it.

Max, on the other hand, equipped a short sword.

I wanted a Longsword for two reasons, the long reach they have, and I have always found two-handed swords to be cool.

As we walked out of the town I noticed Max's character for the first time.

He had pitch-black hair and his eyes were pretty damn big. Alongside his height, you could tell Max meant for his character to be musically...because I've never seen someone with more muscle than Max's character.

"I hope you have a good strength stat to go along with those muscles," I say as he flexes

"You know I do," he says as I chuckle a little.

We approach a low-level boar and Max looks at me

"You first," he says waving me by

"This was your idea, you go first," I mutter as Max raises his arms for a game of rock-paper scissors.

"I'm game," I mutter as I get ready

We tried First two rounds, but at the third, I chose paper and Max lucked out and had scissors

"You first," he says grinning as I roll my eyes.

I look into my inventory and look at my skills.

The slash skill should be good enough.

I slowly walked up to the boar and raised my sword above my head as the skill told me to.

Then the system took over as the sword drops and forces itself into the unsuspecting Animal

It dispersed into pixels as I shot Max a grin.

"Now you try," I yell as he nods.

He finds a boar, and unlike me, he charges it screaming his head off.

His screaming woulda have done him no harm in front of a PC monitor...but here in SAO, the animal heard him and charged

Before Max could react, the boar smashed his manhood as I start killing myself laughing as he rolls on the ground in pain

"Ouchhhh!" He grunted as he dropped to the ground.

He continues moaning and grunting in pain as I lose the ability to breathe as I'm laughing hard

After a few minutes, I finally calmed down.

"You know, you can't feel pain right," I mutter as he stops rolling on the ground.

"Your right," he mutters

"Yea...I know I am," I say as he looks at me

"Keep this a secret?" He asks as I shake my head

"I'm telling the whole class," I tell him as I start logging out.

I hit the log out button multiple times but nothing happened.

"Please, can we keep this between us?" He begs as I look confused

"Jokes aside, can you log out?" I ask him as he shrugs and pulls up his menu.

"I can't either," he says as I'm confused.

"That's odd," I mutter

"Maybe, we need to be in a safe zone?" Max answers

"Yea, that would make sense," I say as we make our way back to the Town of beginnings.

On our way back, we were suddenly engulfed by a bright blue light and before we knew it, we were back to where we started at the beginning of the day.

The next few moments confirmed the bad vibes I got from SAO were right

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