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???? POV

"Die you, filthy child," my teachers used to say

"Ewww, stay away from us, you ugly bitch," my old friends would say before beating me

"Come over to my place, and we'll show you a good time," every boy would say

My old school brought me nothing but pain. My family knew none of it.

If I had told them, I would be hanged against my least that's what everyone at my school would say.

They'd say things like, it'd be doing everyone a favour, after all, no one should see this splat of ugliness.

It was so terrible... Me and my family bought SAO to spend time together, but I had hoped it would be more of a getaway from this world.

That didn't happen, I watched my parents brother died too. I had no one to turn to now

"He promised," I say in my head...over and over again.

"He promised he would find me," I say out loud as tears stream down my face as I'm curled in a ball and hugging myself.

"But he hasn't, maybe he heard the rumours," I repeat consistently in my head

"Maybe, he found me but doesn't want to be seen with a mistake to this world,"

"It'd be so much easier if everything just ended,"

"What did they used to say? "this world would be better without you," maybe they were right,"

Even at this new school, rumours had transferred over. I can't live with myself.

I should just end it.


It was only the first day of the 2nd week of school. I was mentally exhausted from tiptoeing around the school. Maybe the douche bag had forgotten what I had done? I doubt it.

I walked to school like any other day. Then bang! I was forced backward as I stumbled

"What the he--," I begin to say

"I found ya," the thug says

"Fuck," I say as I continue to stumble around

"Looks like this is your lucky day," he says with a bloodthirsty smile. He punches me once again and this time I'm grounded. There was nothing I could do as he beat me senseless as I blacked out

When I awoke, I was still lying on the side of the street. I felt terrible, to say the least, I don't know how much time had passed.

Either way, I was getting fed up with my misfortunes.

"Imma kill that douche bag," I say as I head toward the school. I walked for a solid 9 minutes before I reached the school.

As I walked toward the doors, I could faintly see someone on the roof. I checked the time and it was only 1:32 pm. Classes should be going on, so why are they up there

Also, isn't the roof supposed to be off-limits? My stomach was turning, something bad was going to happen.

I once was told, to always listen to your gut. And it hasn't let me down ever.

I continue to stare at the person on the roof. When suddenly I see them climb over the rails and stand on the other side.

That's when it hit me, this person was about to jump. Adrenaline started to flow through my veins as I climbed the stairs of our four-story school.

"(Y/N) get into a class right now young man!" A teacher in the stairway yells at me. I rush past them and continue to climb the stairs

"Please be fast enough," I yell in my head. My legs felt weak, not only was I beaten bad. But I also haven't fully recovered from SAO.

I was huffing and Puffing. I never wished more in my life then I did at that moment. All I wished for was to be able to use one of my skills. I knew it was pointless but I just wanted to save this person.

Ever since Abby was emotionally hurt, everyone in my family tried to help others. You never know what an act of kindness does to another person.

As I climbed the stairs, time seemed to have slowed. I've been climbing the stairs for what seemed to be an eternity.

Then I saw the door. I slammed my body into it to see in slow motion the person had just put a foot over the edge and they were leaning into it.

I didn't stop running, everything continued to happen in slow motion. I could see it was a girl. I couldn't make out many more details as I rushed my way toward the edge.

They have passed the point of no return. They couldn't save themselves even if they wanted to. The only one who could save this person was me.

I could hear and feel my heartbeat. I got closer and closer. By the time I had reached the railing, only their feet were below the railing, the rest of her body was visible to me.

However, she was falling fast. Her waist disappeared quickly after her feet.

I flung my body over the railing, attaching one arm to her. In a second, I had latched my other hand around the girl's wrist.

I used every ounce of strength I had just holding on to her. We just hanged there

"," I say struggling with my breath

"Just let go, it will be for the better," she says still looking down.

"No, if you're going down, I am too," I say trying to hoist her up.

"Seriously, you will be ashamed of yourself if you knew who your saving," she continues

"I'll never be ashamed for saving a life," I tell her as I continue to bring her up.

"Just let me be," she says as she starts struggling to get my hand off her wrist.

"If you drop, I'll come flying into the concrete with you," I say as she gives up and goes limp.

"I'll just do it another time," she says has I finally lift her feet back to the edge.

It was then when we saw each other's faces. She had tears stained on her face. But that wasn't the shocking part

The girl I just saved was undoubtedly Liz. Right here on the edge of death, we meet again.

"Liz," I say as I reach out.

"(U/N)," she says has a new stream of tears come out

"You finally came," she says crying

"Of cours-s-s," I start to say but everything turns black and I can feel my body start to lean off the edge.

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