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Jam started to pick off the petals on the flower.

My heart was racing out of its chest. Part of me didn't want to be on the front lines, yet another did.

After what happened to Max I didn't want to go into another Boss room.

I'm sure if I did I would be useless, just like I was when he died.

The petals slowly fell to the green mossy ground, ever so slowly.

Finally, Jam reaches the last petal

"To be," She says out loud

Harry's eyes light up, probably due to the fact he didn't need to be alone anymore.

However many of us were still on the fence about the choice.

Jam and Punisher looked as if they possibly didn't like the outcome that fate has chosen. After all, our safe life is turning upside down.

"First off we all need to level up" I announce

"Yes, that would be pretty smart," Jam agrees

"Training camp!" Liz says excitedly

"Not a bad idea," Punisher says

"I guess so. We could camp out in the forest so that we don't need to travel back and forth between the hall and the levelling area" Jam says as she starts to lay out a plan

"Yea and just imagine the campfire and the food," Qweep says drooling

"Keep it in your mouth Mr," Looky says as she looks at him with a glare. Qweep immediately stopped.

"Wow, we are gonna need to keep a watch on the boys and girls," I say starting to tease

"Or else we may end up will some juniors," I say trying to hold in my laugh

Harry and Fuji become red and look away. The same can't be said for Qweep and Looky. Qweep is too dumb to understand what I meant and Looky might be considering the idea.

I was about to reach the end of the joke when Liz says something to me

"Darling, you don't want kids?" She says in a dramatically sad and surprised tone...let's start the art

I play along with her to confuse the hell out of the others

"No honey, I want more peaceful days and nights with you, kids can come later, once they are here we won't experience this for again for a long time" I respond in my own dramatic voice

"Oh, darling," She says as she goes in for a kiss.

We inch closer and in the corner of my eye I can mostly see everyone is bright pink. I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing, Liz does the same. We both manage to bash our heads together which only fuelled the fire. Me and Liz finally calm down to see the rest looking at us with angry faces.

"What? Did you expect us to actually go the full ten yards," I ask as a chuckle escapes me

Jam seems to be in disbelief, "Whatever," she says as she walks away

"The camp will start tomorrow, meet me at the guild doors at 9 am sharp" Jam says as she walks away.

Punisher talks to her as they walk to the guild.

"The brass is gone now, you bunch can make out all you want now," I tell Harry and Fuji

"Just stop," Harry says red as a tomato.

"We all know what you're doing tonight" I continue with a smirk

Harry just looks at me and starts to walk.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?" I tell him as he gets further away

"Thank you, my knight, in shining armour" Harry yells back with a smirk

"Your welcome, beautiful princess" I yell back with a grin

His tease backfired and he continued walking away with Fuji

I look at the next pair to see Looky seriously checking Qweep out.

"But seriously get a room before you start, ok girl....also keep it down," I tell Looky

"I'll try, it's not my fault if he is too loud," she tells me straight

I can't even tease on that. I just look at Qweep and pray mercy on his soul.

Looky starts dragging him back to the Guild as he attempts to get away, his attempts fail miserably. I turn my attention to Liz

"Nice one," I tell Liz as we start walking back

"I figured as much," she replies smugly

"Honestly their faces were priceless," I tell her

"Agreed, did you see Jam? Her face was red as the strawberries she eats." Liz responds giggling

"Hahaha yea.....on another note, what do you think about the front lines? at this rate, we will be fighting in a month," I ask her as I turn serious

"I'm not sure, I've never been in a boss battle. I guess I've been scared, although, I really shouldn't be since I have no one left to come back home to when I get out. I don't really have a reason to live" She responds to me with a hint of a tear in her eye.

"I'm glad you're here, after all, who will joke around with me," I tell her

"I guess so," she says bittersweetly

"You know, when Max died I thought my world stopped with him," I stated

"His family probably had faith in me to bring him back, and look how far I got him," I say

"But at least I still got a family to come home to," I finish as I look at her with soft eyes.

"It must be a lot harder for you to keep going," I say as she nods

"Hey (U/N)?" Liz asks

"Yea?" I respond

"When we get out of here, do you want to meet up? I never had any friends so it would be nice to look forward to something once we get out" She says

"Yea, promise?" I ask

She smiles and says " promise,"

As we walked to town somehow her small little hand found a way into mine.

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