Only the Start

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Smooth sailing all the back to Vixur's house. I was thinking about how I could defeat Kirito.

The only way, was that release Recollection thing he did. It seemed to give him a massive edge over me. If I can shorten the gap, I'm sure I would be golden

I approach the house and the maids let me in. I walk until I see Vixur

"So, game plan?" He asks

"Give me a ramp," I mutter as I grab my sword

"That Release Recollection thing Kirito did. Can I do it too?" I ask. Vixur thinks for a bit

"I might know someone who can do it, no promises though," he says

"That's all I need then," I smirk

The days went by fast. My sword got "enchanted," by a witch. I say release Recollection and I guess the sword will power up or something.

And finally, a ramp and timing. We figured out when Kirito's home and where he is. Then we made a ramp and I'll shoot myself off it right into his chambers.

The only difficulty is defeating Kirito. And another is the possibility of needing to fight him and Asuna at the same time. Either way, I'm ready

I nod to the guy beside as he gives the thumbs up.

I look at the ramp, and the tall tower a few kilometres behind it. I start running, I feel my body cut through the air like a blade as I feel my bolt skill kick in

"Time to kick some ass," I mutter as I get launched from the ramp. Like an airplane, I take flight.

I head straight to the Kings living quarters

I didn't think of it, but what if Kirito and Asuna are getting lovey-dovey. That would be a bit awkward

I point my sword in front of me so I can pierce the walls With a loud crack and a bang.

I stand on a marble floor. I see a bed ahead of me, and beside stand Kirito and Asuna

"Sorry to barge in," I say as Kirito stares at me carefully

"So you are gonna cause me trouble," he mutters as two swords appear from nowhere

"I don't want to fight, but you need to slow it down. The advancement in technology is too fast and it's ruining lives. Let the people adapt, they can't change as fast as the tech can, " I say

"We must be fast or it will be the end," He says as Asuna butts in

"We can't just stand here and do nothing," She says as her sword appears

"I will not back down. Even if I have to face you two," I say as I ready my sword

"So be it," Kirito says as he charges. Unlike last time, I had some practice. I use bolt to close the distance and slam my sword into him faster then his eye could spot it.

Asuna was atop of me in an instant, and I pulled a fast one on her.

She tried stabbing me but I stepped back and she lost her balance. I jump forward fast enough so that I could knee her head before she slammed to the ground.

By then, Kirito was upon me. He swung both his sword as I just dodged them.

"Your better," Kirito says

"I had some time to prepare, it's not too late to back down," I say as he looks determined

"That's a no," He mutters as he raises both swords and yells Release Recollection

I start speeding around the room as his black sword gains power.

It's time to release my trump card

Once the ice stops following me, I stop and yell Release Recollection

Instantly, an ear-shattering lightning strike takes place. Kirito is blown away as the whole tower shakes. Once my eyes get used to the sudden flashbang, I see the damage.

The whole tower has been split in two. From the top to the bottom

Kirito looks at me with a face I've never seen on him before...fear.

I look at him and point my sword at him

"I can end this world if I want to," I bluff as he nods powerless from my powerful attack

"Slow things down, and if you don't. I'll be making a 2nd visit," I say as the two pieces of the giant tower start buckling under the pressure

I start making my way back to ground level. And once I reach it, I'm gone like the wind

It's time to hide. I think I've scared him enough to the point where he will listen. But if he gets the chance, I'm sure he will try to kill me

I'm sure Vixur knows the result of the battle as the giant skyscraper is nowhere in sight anymore. It collapsed

So I'll skip talking to him before I go. My first trip is to Angalo. I have a promise to keep

I walk into town and I head to the house. At this point, my attack was already two days old, and she was reading the newspaper outside

"I'm back," I say grinning

She looks up and then down at the paper

"You didn't," She mutters

"I did," I say nervous smiling

"Oh god," She mutters

"I need to leave again, but here," I say as I give her my sword

"I'm not gonna fight anymore," I tell her as I drop the sword in her hands

"Goodbye, " I say as I leave the town

The years ticked by like seconds

Every year I counted as one less year till I could see Kate again. I really wish she could have been here

My 200 years was filled with adventures

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