Battle of Bullets

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"So this place is called Wild Field?" I ask Zeliska

"Bing bing bing! Right! You get a Brownie point!" She says encouragingly

"Woohoo," I say sarcastically

"Speaking of which, what weapons did you get?" She asks

"Ummmm, got an assault rifle and a glow stick," I respond taking hold of the gun.

"Let me see," She says coming over to inspect it.

"Looks like a live-ammunition firearm, but I've never seen it before, and what's this glow stick you speak off," She says

"This," I say grabbing the handle and then pushing a button. The plasma blade extracted....and pierced right through me

"Oh God I was holding it the wrong way," I say falling to my knees

Zeliska starts laughing," that's too funny!"

"Oh God, the pain!" I exaggerate

"Here," she says throwing a dart at me

"Noooo!" I say trying to avoid the dart but it hit me anyway. To my surprise, it starts to heal me

"I thought I was gonna die!" I say getting up

"No, that dart is just a rare item only I know how to craft," she says proudly

"Show off," I remark before we approach some ruins.

We mostly walked right through it until we heard a Big Bang

"Get down!" Zeliska yells

"Why! OOF!" I say as she tackles me

"Sniper!" She says


"Just stay down unless you want to die," she whispers as more gunshots sound off

"Listen, lady. I didn't come to this game just to cry in a corner like a wimp," I say with a cocky smile

"Listen here, I didn't become your mentor just to watch you die," She remarks

"Who said anything about dying," I say before I use bolt to find the direction of the gunshots.

It didn't take long before I found them. Let's say this...there a fucking minigun. And I just had to check it out. I watch him practically moe these guys down. Once he was down I decided to move in

"OY! I wanna check that out," I say out loud to him

"You idiot!" Zeliska yells at me when she finally reaches me as she dives for covers.

"Huh?" I say before the minigun is suddenly shooting at us. I use bolt to instantly close the gap between us

"That's kinda cool," I say inspecting his weapon before he could point it at me, I grab hold it.

"Damn, this must heavy," I say, as I grab my glow stick...if it's a light sabre it should cut anything right?

"Let me shave some weight off for ya," I say as I activate my sword. As expected, I was able to cut the barrel of his gun clean off.

"That's extra cool," I say admiring my work. The minigun guy then head butts me...I went flying for 100 meters.

"Jesus, what's your neck made out of....pure muscle?" I ask him. He didn't get a chance to respond as another loud bang from afar is heard again. He gets shot square in the head.

"Well ain't that fancy," I say getting up. However, it wasn't done yet...I suddenly get dragged into a building.

"There is more!" I say struggling to free my self from the persons grip

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