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"No one likes you"

"Just die"

"Don't touch my boyfriend, you whore!"

Please stop, no more, I can't take it.

"Jump off a building"

"Kill yourself"

"You're a waste of space"

"Who could ever love you"

I was surrounded by blackness and voices filled my head. I cover my ears tight trying to block the noise, but it didn't work.

"Die in a hole"

Please No more!

"He doesn't love you, he is just pretending"

No, (U/N) wouldn't do that

"He is just going to throw you away like everyone has in your life"

"He's not like that" I yell out loud. Suddenly in darkness, I see (U/N). I ran to him for comfort, but he slaps me. I'm surprised, I look up at him to see disgust in his piercing eyes.

"Your nothing but trash" He yells at me.

"No, not you" I protest

"Liz" he calls for me as he draws his sword

"Liz," he says again as he swings his sword down

"Liz!" He says as his sword is about to kill me

"Liz!" Someone yells as I'm forced awake

"Don't hurt me!" I yell as I scramble to get out of bed. My movement is restricted as someone grabs my body.

"Liz, calm down, it's me (U/N)" the person who grabs me says

"(U/N)?" I call out

"Yes, it's me, you're having a nightmare and started crying," he says as he rests his head on my shoulder. His embrace was warm and calming, I was on edge and he calmed me down. I soon realize that my face was covered in tears.

"It's all right," he says hugging me tighter, "your safe"

I rest back into his embrace, "thank you" I tell him

"Anything for you," he says sweetly, I smile and get back into bed. As I lay my head on my pillow I realize it's wet.

"Wanna share?" (U/N) asks proposing we share a pillow.

"Sure," I say still a bit shaken up. It was only midnight and I could sense the concern (U/N) had for me.

I move closer to him and rest my head on his pillow, he proceeds to do the same.

The Lightning Swordsman (Remastered Version)Where stories live. Discover now