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"Do I need to go!?" I ask whining to Kate

Kate just smiles and says," yes you do, I promised Asuna I'd get you there on time,"

"Uhh! I don't wanna go to this boring ass group reunion or meeting...whatever it is," I pout

"(Y/N) there will be tons of people we know from SAO there," Kate explains

"Ohh, man! I could be playing a game right now!" I continue to pout

"Not everything is about video games," Kate tells me

"I'm not sure about that," I protest

"Just keep walking," Kate says holding my hand

We were going to a surprise party for Kirito. I guess a bunch of people organized it for clearing the game...even though I killed the bastard, Heathcliff.

It has been a few months since we exposed what Sugou was doing. He was arrested at the same place I knocked him out cold.

School is pretty much in full swing, and boy was it ever boring. I'd much rather jump in a game then go to school. However, one thing has changed, Kate isn't bullied near as much.

Just thinking about her being insulted in a corner, sends chills down my spine. Who could ever hate someone like her? She is caring, smart, pretty, everything you could possibly want in a person.

"Stop spacing out, we're here," Kate says as I focus on a bar like building

"Is it legal that we can enter?" I ask

Kate starts laughing, "yes of course," she says

"I'm not sure, Imma just head home," I say turning around. Kate then proceeds to push me into the building. Let's just say I tripped myself and smashed through the door.

"Karma," Kate says smirking

"We'll see about that," I say laying on the floor.

"(Y/N) what are you doing on the ground," a familiar voice from outside asks

"Asuna, I just thought this floor was nice and needed a friend other than peoples shoes," I say sulking on the ground. I got up and saw everyone staring

"What are you looking at," I say to them all.

"probably you," Kirito says behind me

"Oh my, the guest of honour is here," I say looking at him

"Get out of the way," a girl with brown hair says

"Huh?" I say not moving

"You heard me!" She says

"Who might you be," I ask

"I'm Rika, Rika Shinozaki," She says

"Huh?" I saying with a blank face

"Oh my god, I'm Lisbeth from SAO," she says

"Ohhhhhh, the blacksmith!" I say realizing it.

"Now move," She says shoving me aside and heading to Kirito

"Why does he get all the attention," I whine in the corner

"He is just cooler then you," May(Looky) says walking over to me

"There's no way," I say

"Yeah, it's kinda true," Logan(Qweep) says

"Kate do you think Kirito is cooler too," I ask. She proceeds to whistle with her hands behind her back

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