Epilogue: Carter and Himiko

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Carter POV

"That goes there, the two cancel out, and boom," I mutter as I work.

"Be quiet for once," (Y/N) says beside me.

"You do the same," I say as he looks at me bewildered

"I don't," he says as I laugh

"Like hell you don't," I say as he looks at me with a grin

"Do you do that in bed with Himiko? Say Push in, pull out," he says smiling wickedly.

"I do not," I say as he raises his eyebrows.

"Kate has told me that Himiko has told her some strange stories,"

"Your lying," I shrug as he continues looking at me.

"Right?" I ask him

"I wish I am...but I'm not," he says as my heart stops.

Do I really say that!

Surely I don't right?

I mean that be creepy...she would tell me if I did right?

I'm faced with a bunch of questions as I work.

"See you tomorrow," (Y/N) says as he finishes work.

I follow him out and we part ways.

I head home and hang my coat up.

"Welcome home," Himiko says from the couch.

"How was your day?" I ask the redhead as she smiles.

"Honestly May's kids are the cutest!" She says excitedly.

"Did Logan finally got some rest from the Devils?" I ask her.

I've never been the biggest fan of children. Logan's and May's kids remind me why.

she looks at me with a serious face.

"Children are not Devils, they are sweet and cute," She says leaning into the couch.

"Ha," I mutter as I walk into the kitchen.

I made us dinner. Looks like I said something wrong...Himiko seems mad at me.

She did the dishes and I got ready for bed.

I waited for an hour alone in bed...what is taking her so long?

I couldn't wait any longer, so I slide out of bed and wandered the house.

I saw the love of my life sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands...she looks stressed.

"Is everything ok?" I ask as she jumps a little.

"Sorry I scared you," I say as I join her

"Everything is fine," She says as her eyes scan me.

"Everything isn't fine, there's something on your mind," I say as she suddenly seems unsure about herself...or unsure about what she is going to tell me

"I'm listening, I'll be here for you no matter what," I say a little surprised at her hesitance.

"Are you sure?" She asks me with pleading eyes.

She wants me to say yes. What does she need to tell me?

"Yeah, I can't imagine leaving you," I say as she nods.

The words didn't come out for a couple of minutes.

I was about to ask if she could just spit it out already. But she finally said something.

"I'm eating for two," she says with her hand on her stomach.

It took me a while to figure out what she meant.

During that time she looked at me eagerly. Every second I didn't answer her expression became more and more unsure...and sad?

Suddenly tears started to come out and she stood up and almost sprinted to our bedroom.

I was in shock. Not only from what she just did...but also the fact that I was about to be a father.

It sent chills down my bones once I realize what must have gone through her head.

She knows I don't like kids...and it makes sense why she asked that question now.

She was afraid I would dump her once I found out.

My heart stopped when I came to this conclusion.

I run to the door and tried to open it...she locked it

"Himiko," I yell at the door as I hear quiet sobs...it breaks my heart.

I start knocking on the door repeatedly.

"Let me in hun," I say as the door finally opens.

She looked at the ground in shame...I did this...I'm the one who made her feel this way.

I pulled her in a tight embrace.

"I'm happy for you," I whisper into her.

She might not have known, but ever since all the others had their own kid, I knew that Himiko wanted one...I guess it finally happened after a couple of years.

She didn't say anything more. We just stood in the doorway holding each other.

"Let's get in bed," I say as she nods.

She was still wearing her day clothes so she got into something more worthy of sleeping in.

"I'm sorry," I tell her as she crawls into bed.

"No...I'm sorry for breaking down," she says as I shut the lamp off.

"So...I guess we need to start coming up with names," I say as she hugs my arm

"Are you really ok with this?" She asks me once again ignoring my question

"Himiko...I'm fine. I guess we needed to go to the next step anyway," I tell her as I stroke her hair

"Thank you," She says

"So?" I ask her.

"I was thinking, (Y/N) if it's a boy. I doubt we would be here if not for him," she says as I nod

"Yeah," I say holding her close

"And maybe Carly if it's a girl?" She asks

"I hope it's a girl, last thing we need is two (Y/N)s," I say as we both start laughing.

"I think we already have a (Y/N) in the making," She says as I grin.

"Their kid might look like Kate, but she's his daughter no doubt," I laugh

"That she is," Himiko says as silence overcomes us

"I love you," she suddenly says

"I love you too,"

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