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How long has it been?... A couple of decades right?

My mind is exhausted by my constant travel.

I can't stay in one place for too long...I don't want to get connected to the people.

I know that I'll outlive them all, and furthermore, on the outskirts of society, people are ruthless and creepy.

Bandits are a very common thing out here.

For someone who wanted to modernize the Underworld, Kirito isn't doing much to help the people near the borders.

But maybe that's a good thing for me. I wouldn't be able to survive a duel with him without my sword.

I'm glad I had stopped his rapid evolution of technology. If he had developed guns or something, the bandit issues would be much worse.

I walked along as I noticed a small village.

I chuckle. Almost every village I had come across has been exciting.

Once, I entered a village and two parents had their heads removed in front of their children...I wonder how those two are doing? I forget their names, but I know what had happened.

I was currently walking in the tree line. I was about to enter the grassy plains when I was hit...and I was hit hard.

The wind gets knocked out of me as I smash heavily into a tree.

I feel my bones crack in protest as I lay on the ground motionless.

Fuck! That hurts!

I lift my head as I came face to face with a man.

"Hello, young man, you look'd make a fine slave," the evil-looking man says as I curse to myself.

I've always forgotten why the hell did I leave my sword with Angalo.

"I wasn't going to fight anymore," I mock myself in my head.

I'd really love my Longsword to cut this guy a new one.

My vision blacken

??? POV

I held my girlfriend tight as we heard footsteps down the stairs.

She started shaking violently as I was powerless to do anything...I was shaking as well

I held her close in my chest, protecting her if that man wanted to take her up to his bedroom again...I wasn't going to let it happen again.

The door burst open and he gave me a death glare as he hauled a man not much older than I was.

"Make sure he doesn't do anything bad! Or else your girl will be visiting me at night again," he says smiling wickedly...I felt sick to my stomach.

He dropped the body as he shut and locked the door behind him.

"Are you ok, Mister?" I ask as he wakes up

"Head hurts," he says as his hoarse voice startles me.

"I don't talk much, sorry for the rough voice, I'm sure it ain't pleasant," he says as I nod.

"What's happening here?" He asks looking around in the dimly lit room.

It was a small room, with an area of about 16 meters. It had nothing inside. No beds, no counters, nothing. Only walls

"Hell," I respond as he chuckles

"I imagine so," he says

"I'm Kevin, and this is Sam," I say as I look at the fragile girl in my arms.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N)," he introduces himself

"Who's the fucker upstairs?" He asks.

"That's Lauren, he's...." I say as I choke up my words

"He's a terrible person," Sam says. Her beautiful voice rung out the would have been better if it wasn't filled with hatred.

"He said something about slaves when he knocked me a good one," (Y/N) says

"That's what we are, he forces me through intense labour...and Sam," I say as I hesitate.

"She takes care of his, cleaning, house chores really everything...and also... never mind," I say as the man looked at me and then at her.

She was now facing him, giving him a picture of her near-perfect face...or at least it would be perfect without the dozens of scrapes and bruises.

Her dark brown hair was frayed and her clothing looked terrible. Holes riddled both of our clothes. Her clothes left little to be unseen, only the important bits were covered...but barely.

He took off his jacket and handed it to her.

"I got myself a pretty lady at home too, she'd die of embarrassment if she was forced to wear that...and I wouldn't be able to stand it either," he says as Sam gracefully grabs his coat and puts it on with a blush.

It was a few sizes too big, the bottom of the jacket went down about halfway between her knee and her looked like a skirt, to be honest.

"Thank you," I say as he nods

"I hate to bring it up...but did he?" (Y/N) asks as I nod before he even finishes.

His face goes red in disbelieve.

"It's common all the way out here, I'm constantly faced with that fucking disgusting act," he says as I see him remembering past events.

"This, however, is the first guy who wasn't a bandit to have done it," he says as Sam sits between my legs and leans back into my chest.

I saw something in (Y/N) die as he saw us...he must miss his own loved one

"You said you had a girl...where is she?" I ask as he laughs a little

"Not in this world I'll tell you that much," he says as I'm confused

"I haven't seen her in decades," he says as I think he is exaggerating, he hasn't even been alive for 3 decades, not even that.

"It's rough here, but neither me nor Sam can fight back," I say as he smirks

"I plan on giving that bastard I good punch when I see him next," he says as I nod..does he have fighting experience?

As I said before, he can't be too much older than me, so I figured it was all talk.

Little did I know, he would prove his worth in gold...only a few minutes later.

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