Max's Depression

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We ran out of the town of beginnings as my mind starts working overtime.

Where's the best place to go?

What can we do to make sure we survive this ordeal.

How can we get stronger

Which is better...fighting, or the safe place of a town where you can't die.

"(Y/N), please stop," he says as we slow down

"What's up?" I ask him as I turn around to look.

"Dude, I need a break, we've been running for an hour straight," he says as I nod.

We sit on a nearby rock.

Max hides his face in his hands as he starts to silently cry.

Compared to me, Max was a lot closer to his family then I was.

He and Haily have an amazing bond with each other as twins, and you don't often see Max do anything without his sister.

I decided I should just leave him be for now.

Besides, we need a plan.

I wonder if they have any maps of any kind?

I open my inventory and thoroughly investigate what we have for starting items

A couple of thousand col...I guess that's the currency of Aincrad.

Light pieces of armour, and of course some weapons. A couple of items of food. And 5 healing potions.

Sadly, I didn't find a map

"Ok Man, we need to start moving," I tell Max as he just kinda slouches there.

"Come on; get up," I repeat as he stays motionless

"Just leave me here," he says

"Why? Come on, we to start moving," I say as he finally raises his tear-soaked face.

His eyes had red bags under them from crying

"There isn't any way I'll survive, you know me...I'm too clumsy," he says

"Yea, so you should be extra careful," I tell him as he shrugs

"My body feels heavy...I just wanna sleep," he says

"tough luck, we need to keep moving to the next town over. You can have a nap then," I tell him

"I should just die," he mutters as my heart skips a beat.

"If you do that, your sister is gonna kill me," I say as he shrugs

"Seriously dude, if Haily was here what would she do?" I ask him

"She would cry," he says as I nod

and then?" I continue

"She'd do the smartest thing she can," he says as I nod

"Exactly, and right now, the smartest thing to do, is getting to the next town," I remind him.

"Ok," he says quietly

We slowly started making progress. I didn't know where the next town was, so it wasn't until sunset that we finally reached it.

There's surely a place to stay here, right?

The Nic and Dime pub came into view, I saw a little sign that said rooms for rent.

"Perfect," I mutter as we walk in.

I approached the rather attractive NPC waitress

"Hello, can we rent a room?" I ask her as she nods

"Of course you can, talk to the owner and he will direct you to your rooms," she says

"Ok thanks," I say

We approached the owner and asked for two rooms. For two rooms, it took about 1/50th of my col for both.

"This one is on me," I tell Max as he was about to pay for his own room

We approached our rooms and went our separate ways.

"Goodnight," I tell Max

"Night," he mutters before shutting the door

"Cya later," I mumble to myself

Suddenly, someone bumped into me as I was about to enter my room.

The person tripped on my leg and faceplanted into the ground

"Ohh, sorry!" A bluenette says as I help her up.

"Are you a player?" I ask her as she nods as she gets up

"Yea, I am," she mutters

"Nice to meet you," I say as she looks at me. Her blue eyes placed me under a spell...they were shockingly beautiful.

"Speechless?" She asks me as I laugh

"Something like that," I say as she smiles.

"You're not bad yourself," she admires as I smirk

"Not enough to make you speechless," I say as she giggles

"You broke the ice first, it was easier to find my words," she laughs

"I guess so, eh?" I reply as she nods

"Anyway, I gotta get going, my family is outside right now," she says as I nod

"Of course, be careful and safe," I say as she continues running down the stairs

"What a girl," I say as I'm about to enter my room.

Wait...did I catch her name? I didn't

I was debating on if I should go chase after her.

"I don't think a girl would want to be chased around," I tell myself as I enter the room

Surprisingly, I didn't have much of an issue falling asleep.

I'm sure SAO might actually help you sleep in the game.

While I didn't have any issue with my sleep...I forgot a very simple

I had gone to bed without eating anything, and my stomach was growling like a tiger when I woke up.

I wonder if Max is going through the same thing too.

I wolfed down a piece of tasted disgusting...really disgusting...actually, maybe not disgusting...just really tasteless.

" all the food like this?" I ask

I look at the door and I dread what me and Max have to do today.

"Our first quest...if we can find one at least," I mutter to myself

I approached the door, and that was the beginning of my first quest in SAO

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