Meeting Everyone

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Everything was going fine, the assault team just cleared floor 27.

The MindSwords chat was amazing, everyone was attached to each other at the hip. Slowly but surely we all became good friends without even seeing each other in person

I was doing my routine levelling for the day, now on floor 27, my XP goal was 30 000 a day. Now I'm level 47 and could probably fight on the front lines easily

I was going about my business when I got a notification from the chat. This is weird, usually, no one is on at this point in time and I have my notifications on silent. I kill the last mob in my area and check the message.

Fuji: Help! 6 minutes ago
1 Attachment

My heart dropped, I opened the attachment and saw that her location was in the plains of floor 17.

I put in her location in my UI and I used a teleport crystal to travel to floor 17. By the time I arrived at the teleport plaza at floor 17, 4 minutes passed since I read the message.

That means that 10 minutes have passed since she called for help, I just hope that someone else gets there before I do.

I take off sprinting toward the marker I set, I startled a lot of other players who were having a normal day.

I finally get out of the town and headed straight to the plains, they were at least 8 minutes away at the pace I was going.

While I was running I couldn't help but think that if one of us dies nothing will be the same.

The other guys in the chat might stop chatting... I mean we all have lost someone close...what's the point of getting closer to people if they might die as well.

I remember the time I described Max to them all, they all thought he would have been a great guy. That really made my day.

As I closed in on my target I could hear metal clashing against metal.

I must be close. As I reached the peak of a hill, I could see it.

3 people were surrounded by at least 20 other players. I could barely make out but it seemed that only 2 were able to fight, the other was motionless.

The 20 players greatly outnumbered the 2. I was about 700m away and as I studied the battle ahead I didn't think I'd have enough time to reach them





When I reached striking range, I power up one of my many skills. My sword moved on its own.

First, it sent an air slash toward one player, then when I was within a blade length of another PKer, my sword hung low beside me and swiped up. I cut the player's arm clean off.

Due to my momentum, I crashed into him and was flung into the middle of their circle

I looked around to see Fuji was the motionless one, she was still alive.

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