By your side

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"My name is Kate," Liz says

"Kate....lovely," I say as we start walking

Silence engulfed us for a while as we walked away from the school.

Liz..or Kate was with me.

I finally found her, my promise...I fulfilled it. But, there was a certain gloom about us. Maybe the fact that she almost jumped off a 4 story building is the cause.

"Don't do it again," I say out of nowhere

"Huh?" Kate asks confused

"The incident in the roof," I remind her

"Oh, yeah," she says embarrassed

"Listen I just--," she started to say

"You can't leave me here. Not after I finally found you...I've been having nightmares. Of you and Jenn. They just are horrible. If you were to die..well I wouldn't know what to do next," I cut her off as tears swell in my eyes.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry, I just felt so lost. I hate myself, I hate...just hate everything about me. I got thinking that you would hate me too. And dealing with all this alone, I just didn't know what to do. It hurt so, so much," Kate says tears running down her face

"Don't say you're sorry. It's not your fault, it's all mine for not coming sooner. But you should know this, I everything about you. I don't care what you have done in the past. I love the you of today. Nobody can change that," I say sincerely. Kate teared up more and grabbed my hand.

"If you mean it, then please never let me go. I couldn't survive without you by my side," Kate says leaning her head on my shoulder as we walk.

"I will never let you down," I tell her

"Thank you," she says relieved

"But there is something I need to know, history is here so that we don't repeat past mistakes. I know it might be hard, but I want to know everything about you, past, present and future," I say grimly

"I knew you would say that after all, I'm sure you don't want to be with a whore your whole life," Kate says

"No, never call yourself that, I don't believe a single word those rumours say. Unlike the people at school, I know you. And you wouldn't just throw yourself onto anyone," I tell her holding her hand harder.

I felt my shoulder get wet has she sobbed saying, "Thank you," over and over.

Seeing her like this made my heart hurt so much. Seeing the girl you love in so much emotional pain is frightening. And there is nothing I can do to stop her from thinking about the things she is thinking.

The only thing I can do is show her I care. The entire world may beat her down, but I will always help her back up.

I stopped walking and turned towards her, then I wrapped both my arms around her to show her that I'm not going anywhere.

We stayed hugging for a while, I missed the way she felt. SAO didn't change the sensation of this at all. This warmth I feel in my heart, it's so familiar.

We separated finally and looked at each other blushing.

"So, where are you living? I know that you have had  no one to come back home other then me, so where have you been?" I ask her.

"An orphanage, I have no family members to look after me, and I'm under 18 without a job so I had nowhere to go," She says looking at the ground.

"So, you're waiting to be adopted?" I ask

"Yeah, it's weird saying it out loud. It won't happen though, teenagers like me never get adopted," She says sadly

"Kate," I say as I kiss her forehead, "stop putting yourself down," I say embracing her again.

"(Y/N) I don't know what to do, nothing has changed!" She yells frustrated

"Something has changed, you have me now," I tell her

"I-I-I," she says looking up at me with lost eyes

"I have an idea, but you need to promise me something," I say with a smile.

"Ok," she says wiping the tears out of her eyes

"You need to promise to come to me with all your problems and we will sort out everything together," I tell her

"Ok, but are you sure. It's gonna be a lot," Kate tells me laughing a little

"I don't care, it just means more time with you," I say

"Ha, ok, I promise," she says

"Ok, follow me," I say as I walk toward my house. We walked for a few minutes until we reached my house.

"This is where I live," I tell her

"It's nice," she says with a smile.

"Yea it's not bad, I tell her as I continue walking.

"This isn't where you're taking me?" She asks

"No," I tell her. We walked a few blocks past my house and we arrived.

"I'm sorry to throw you into this but bare with me, ok?" I ask her.

"Of course," she says as I ring the doorbell. I waited for a while until someone answered the door

"Hello Mrs. Kimberly," I say

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