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A warm feeling. Soft and comfortable. Is this how death feels like?
Dizzy her eyes fluttered open, while she found herself ingulfed with a black fabric. The cruel noises were no longer haunting her. Relieved she let out a deep sigh. Her look went up, where the bright moonlight shone down to her confused self.

How? Slowly she got up into a sitting position. (Y/N) was still captured at this terrifying place, but in a way nothing seemed dangerous around her anymore. It was more a dead silence, which sure also felt kind of intriguing. A soft sound of crackling wood got her attention. Eyes widened, she spotted the black clothed warrior by a small fireplace. Seriously, he worked on his weapon. His look concentrated and calmly. (Y/N) felt surprised and scared at the same time. Helplessly she thought about her possibilities. Run away? Maybe he didn't notice her state and she could crawl away unnoticed to hide somewhere? Or, and that sounded really ridiculous, ask for help?
He sure captured her to bring her into a cruel, dark prison. Alone the thought made her feel sick.

"You can stop thinking of a way to escape. I know that you are awake, since you opened your eyes.", his sudden words let her gasp and hold onto her blanket for support. His look was still directed to his work, but a playful smirk appeared on his face. The light of the fireplace let his deep red eyes sparkle mysteriously. (Y/N) found this image capturing. Never was she able to meet a demon before and she was thankful for that. She knew how dangerous and cruel they could be. Often she was told stories about tortured and killed citizens of hyrule by cruel and merciless cretaures of the dark realm. Villages, which got completely destroyed by an sudden attack of Ganondorf's army. (Y/N) was grateful that her home was close to the castle and under the protection of princess Zelda.
Uneasy she bite her lips, while her look wandered to her lap. Was he able to read her thoughts?

"And if you think i have read your thoughts , relax, i can't. It was clearly to see what was on your mind.", he added bored and laid his weapon beside him. Mouth agape, (Y/N) wasn't sure to believe him. But before she could do or say anything, she felt something pass her face with a rapid speed and roughly, it dugged into the ground beside her. With a short scream, (Y/N) jumped to the side and terrifyed, she watched the small dagger, which could have cut her face easily.

"Interesting... So you aren't a spy..."

Stunned of his words and mostly scared to the bone, she locked eyes with his serious ones.

"A...a spy?", she asked and felt her voice raspy. Mostly dry of the lack of water.
Chuckling amused, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back to get comfortable by a tree.

"If you were a skilled fighter, a trained spy, you sure would have caught or stopped my attack. Your trained reflexes would have blown your cover....", he spoke and started to throw some small pieces of wood into the fire. She was innocent. He could clearly see it in her eyes and in her shaken, soft voice, but why was someone like her here? How was she able to survive that long? The border was sure a 3 days ride away.

(Y/N) got nervous. He sure brought her here to get informations. Maybe she had to face torture at Ganondorf's castle, if she wasn't able to give them the right answers. His first thought of her was that she was a spy. Who knows what she had to face next.

Moving slightly, she felt a stinging pain on her arm and realized that she totally forgot about her bleeding wound. It sure was starting to get infected. Something, which sure would get troublesome here at such a cruel place. But surprised she noticed a neatly and clean bandage around it, which stopped the bleeding.

"Don't think i missed. I aimed for the ground. I was testing you...but you sure know by now what i am capable of...", he spoke with a dangerous glint in his tone, but (Y/N) was still focused on her wound.

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